A Second Chance With My Billionaire Love - Chapter 1487

Chapter 1487


Chapter: 1487

Alexis dashed into the baby’s room and gently awakened the peacefully slumbering Marcus, She touched his face with her cold little hand and said, “Marcus, it’s time to wake up.”

Marcus let out a cute cry. Alexis placed a gentle kiss on his rosy cheek and attempted to cradle him.

Leonel frowned. He reached over to inspect Marcus’s diaper and proclaimed, “He’s wet himself.”

Alexis exclaimed, “Oh, Marcus, you’ve wet yourself again! She looked expectantly at Leonel.

Leonel quickly but gently turned Marcus over, removing his soiled pants and replacing them with fresh ones, In the midst of this, he wiped Marcus’s bottom with a damp tissue. While attending to these tasks, he whispered to Alexis, “Marcus isn’t a doll, you know. You need to be gentle with him.”

Leonel then proceeded to give Alexis a mini-lesson on diaper changing.

“Did you get it?” he asked,

Supported her chin with her tiny hand, Alexis beamed and responded, “Leonel, I have you to help me, don’t 17″

Leonel shifted his gaze towards Alexis and, with a faint blush, turned his attention back to Marcus.

Once the diaper change was complete, Marcus was carried over to Rena by Alexis and Leonel.

“Mom, Marcus is hungry,” Alexis informed Rena softly,

Rena, who knew Alexis inside out, responded without missing a beat.

Alexis had taken on the role of a mother to Marcus, treating him as her little one during their make-believe games. Rena calmly prepared a bottle of milk and fed it to Marcus.

Meanwhile, Leonel was engrossed in his book, quietly turning its pages. Alexis, however, wished to join in the care of Marcus. Leonel gently tugged her towards him.

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He urged Alexis to read alongside him.

The scene was one of quiet and familial beauty, and it left Ruth feeling deeply moved.

As Ruth departed from the villa, she couldn’t help but feel a pang of sympathy for Rena, who, at such a young age, was left to care for the children. Yet, upon reflection, she realized that Rena had made this choice herself. Rena had wealth, ample free time, and a husband who loved her immensely.

Two days later, Ruth crossed paths with Aline at a wine party.

Aline swiftly had someone make sure Ruth had a bit too much to drink. Ruth’s agent glared at the portly man beside Aline but refrained from voicing his anger. He assisted Ruth in making her way to the restroom. Ruth ended up vomiting considerably.

It was a miserable sight.

Aline stood before the mirror, leisurely applying a fresh coat of Lipstick, all the while wearing a wicked grin.

“It seems you’re facing quite the hardship after betraying me, aren’t you, Ruth? You know, I truly wished to make you popular, to see you become a star. But you decided to rely on Rena.”

Ruth turned on the tap and splashed cold water on her face, attempting to sober up.

Once she had regained some semblance of sobriety, she croaked in a hoarse voice, “But consider what you asked me to do. Waylen is not a man I can manipulate.”

