A Second Chance With My Billionaire Love - Chapter 1953

Chapter 1953


His son was missing?

Phone in hand, Mark exited the ward. Despite the chaos brewing inside, he took on the role of the rock for Cecilia.

“Stay calm. Have you looked through the villa’s security footage?”

Through her tears, Cecilia replied, “I’m on it. He dashed out on his own.”

The screen showed Edwin, stepping through the black, intricately carved door.

He rounded a corner and then, just like that, vanished.

A heavy dread settled in Mark’s chest.

Battling his inner turmoil, he instructed, “Get my mother to watch over Olivia. I’m heading to the police station. If you can get there before me, please do. We need to review the nearby surveillance.”

In this moment, Mark stood as the pillar of strength.

And Cecilia, she would heed his guidance.

So, both of them set off in the direction of the police station, making a call to Waylen en route to pull every string they could.

Upon his departure, Mark ran into Peter.

Learning of Edwin’s disappearance, Peter didn’t hesitate to tag along.

Angela’s Library

Once in the car, Mark phoned Cecilia.

“Remember the last time Edwin bolted? He headed to that apartment. Check there first. We’ll touch base soon.”

Cecilia agreed, her voice steady yet fraught with concern.

Mark’s car pulled away from the hospital at a cautious pace, the urgency palpable yet controlled.

Meanwhile, a taxi halted at the hospital entrance, and a little boy emerged.

Backpack slung over his shoulders, he scampered toward the in-patient department.

He searched intently, floor after floor.

At last, in a VIP ward, he found who he was searching for.

Laura was a sight to behold.

She bore the best of Cathy’s features, her skin rivaling Olivia’s porcelain perfection.

Currently, Laura, encased in plaster, leaned against the bed’s headboard, lost in her drawing.

