A Second Chance With My Billionaire Love - Chapter 2020

Chapter 2020


And Elaine, to Cecilia’s dismay, had taken a seat right beside Mark.

Feeling slighted, Cecilia believed she should show Mark a hint of her displeasure.

Mark was well-acquainted with Cecilia’s moods. He found them more charming than irritating.

With a gentle yet firm grip, he took her hand.

“Come with me,” he urged softly, “An important business associate is here. Let’s greet them before we leave.”

Before she could protest, he guided her along.

In the midst of their walk, Mark gave in to an impulse.

He pulled her close, pressing her against the wall, and their Lips met for a lingering moment.

When they parted, their breathing uneven, he leaned in, his forehead touching hers, whispering, “You’re even more adorable when you are grumpy.”

Feeling her cheeks warm, Cecilia lightly nudged him.

Angela’s Library

“Keep it together; we’re in public.”

With a grin, Mark straightened up, leading her onward.

Soon, they reached the box.

Mark’s demeanor shifted, making him seem almost a different person as he began speaking with a newfound grace.

“I intended to share a few more drinks with you, but my wife just returned from overseas. She came to collect me; we have some matters to sort out at home. My apologies.”

An uncomfortable hush spread across the room.

Elaine’s face drained of color.

The individual who’d invited Elaine appeared worried, assuming Mark was referring to Cecilia as his wife.

From behind Mark, a statuesque, striking woman emerged.

She was indeed the eldest daughter of the influential Fowler family.

Most present had, at some point or another, sought the Fowler family’s assistance. They promptly stood, greeting her warmly, “Miss Fowler.”

Someone remarked, “It’s Mrs. Evens. Mr. Evans just mentioned she’s his wife.”

Mark gave a knowing smile.

Addressing the room, he said, “I’ll leave Peter to keep you company in my stead. Unfortunately, I need to make my exit.”

