A Second Chance With My Billionaire Love - Chapter 2021

Chapter 2021


No one had the audacity to protest Mark’s exit, though they exchanged light banter.

But then, a defiant voice chimed in, “Mr. Evans, if you’re Leaving early, shouldn’t you at least down three drinks as penalty?”

A hush settled over the room.

ALL eyes fixed on Elaine, whose demeanor oozed confidence.

She obviously did it out of her jealousy of Cecilia. The evening had been going smoothly until Cecilia’s arrival, which meant Elaine missed out on quality time with Mark.

The tension was palpable.

Cecilia gently moved Mark aside and stepped forward.

Elaine’s face hinted at anxiety, but she stood her ground, believing she held the upper hand over Cecilia.

After all, Elaine received professional training as an actress, while Cecilia started as a nobdy.

Besides, being a decade younger than Cecilia, Elaine was convinced of her allure, especially since she had confirmed Mark’s single status.

Cecilia approached Mark’s seat, gracefully lifted the goblet he used, and took a whiff.

It was just water.

She tilted her head back, consuming its contents.

The onlookers, puzzled by her actions, turned to Peter for clarity.

He seemed poised to intervene until a subtle glance from Mark halted him.


Cecilia set down the goblet and reached for a bottle of strong alcoholic drinks.

A stunning 20-carat ruby shimmered on her finger as she poured a generous amount into a glass.

Elaine remarked with a hint of mockery, “Miss Fowler, quite the direct approach. Planning to down three glasses on Mr. Evans’s behalf?”

Cecilia scanned the room, replying with a soft chuckle, “Who mentioned I’d be the one drinking?

Mark doesn’t indulge. I noticed some folks stepping in for him earlier. So, the person who took his place will drink what I pour.

Elaine’s confidence wavered.

She’d been the one drinking for Mark, trying to impress.

Although Mark had seen her, he hadn’t intervened.

Tension filled the room.

