A Second Chance With My Billionaire Love - Chapter 2110

Chapter 2110


The thought alone made Mark feel uneasy.

Nonetheless, Mark insisted, “I’ll handle it.”

The doctor, suppressing a chuckle while writing a prescription, added, “It’s fortunate the ring didn’t harm her digestive system. She could’ve been choked on it, you know. Speaking of which, learning the Heimlich maneuver might be wise for future emergencies.”

Mark nodded, thanking the doctor.

Cecilia, watching Mark, saw him now not just as her partner, but as a dedicated father, deeply concerned for Olivia’s wellbeing.

The doctor handed over the prescription, a reminder of the unexpected turn their day had taken.

The doctor, glancing at the sleeping Olivia in Mark’s arms, couldn’t resist gently pinching her cheek.

“You really look like your father,” he commented, and then turned to Edwin, noting the familial resemblance there too.

After moving Olivia to a ward, Mark handed her to Cecilia before heading out to retrieve the medicine.

Returning, he meticulously mixed the powder into hot water, stirring carefully.

Angela’s Library

Olivia, waking up to the unpleasant smell, initially resisted.

However, Mark’s tender coaxing and gentle kisses eventually persuaded her to drink it, much like she would her milk.

Cecilia, observing this, felt an immense admiration for Mark.

She suddenly realized she was still in her dress, feeling a chill.

Mark, attentive as ever, offered his coat.

“Put this on,” he suggested.

Clad in Mark’s coat, Cecilia sat opposite him, her gaze fixed on Olivia. Breaking the silence, she hesitantly asked, “After she goes, do we really have to sift through it, piece by piece, for the ring?”

Mark merely glanced at her, his expression unreadable.

Edwin, bringing over a basin, commented matter-of-factly, “Olivia’s going to use this later.”

Olivia, looking at her family with large, innocent eyes, soon drifted back to sleep after finishing her medicine, leaving the adults fraught with anticipation.

In her slumber, Olivia dreamed she was a rabbit encountering a big, menacing wolf.

In her dream, she danced for the wolf, believing her fluffy cuteness would charm him.

Yet, the wolf, professing his love for rabbit meat, left Olivia waking in a state of fear.

Awakening, she began to relieve herself, her face turning a deep shade of red.

