A Second Chance With My Billionaire Love - Chapter 2123

Chapter 2123


Waylen fixed his gaze upon the young man before him.

Albert was a full ten years younger than him.

He was currently in his prime years, hailing from an esteemed family and possessing striking looks.

Waylen had always felt a tinge of envy, but his jealousy didn’t break him. Instead, it spiced things up between him and Rena.

Initially, he couldn’t quite fathom it, but he eventually realized he didn’t need to feel insecure because of Rena’s love for him.

After a brief pause, Waylen made a graceful gesture.

Angela’s Library

Confidence radiated from him.

Unable to contain herself, Rena uttered, “Waylen.”

Waylen adjusted her coat and murmured, “Bid him farewell.”

Rena deemed his behavior underhanded.

Waylen smiled, putting a considerable distance between them. He took out a cigarette and put it between his lips.

Bowing his head, he lit the stick.

As he exhaled a puff of smoke, a profound sense of contentment enveloped him.

He mused that single individuals failed to grasp the joys of having a wife and children. He supposed it was fine if Albert happened to have feelings for his wife. Waylen would simply regard it as having one more son. He would just consider it as if there was an additional Harrison in the picture.

Rena couldn’t fathom Waylen’s thoughts.

She directed her gaze at Albert and offered a smile.


Albert squinted at her.

The radiant sun made it difficult for him to read her expression clearly. He felt somewhat irritated and blurted out, “Rena, do these past few years mean nothing to you? I’ve held such strong feelings for you, yet you’ve never felt any attraction toward me? I’m quite handsome, you know.”

Rena let out a subdued sigh.

She realized she couldn’t evade the impending conversation.

She deliberated for a moment before speaking softly, “Albert, if these words came from someone else, I might have ignored them because they wouldn’t concern me. However, your parents have entrusted you to my care. So, I’d like to emphasize that your fondness for me is based on your knowledge of my marital status and the fact that I haven’t reciprocated your feelings. Therefore, you should carefully weigh the pros and cons when pursuing your affection.”

Albert retorted coldly, “Do you always weigh the pros and cons before taking action?”

Rena smiled.

