A Second Chance With My Billionaire Love - Chapter 2164

Chapter 2164


It had been years since she’d battled these demons.

Thinking of Edwin, the man responsible for her pain, stirred a fierce protectiveness in Dylan. He wished he could make Edwin pay.

But Dylan was blind to the web of secrets entangling the Garcia and Evans families, and the motivations behind Edwin’s pursuit of Laura.

He only saw a man who seemed to toy with Laura’s affections.

Laura needed a moment to gather herself after Dylan spoke.

Releasing the Labrador, she stood up.

With a comforting touch on her shoulder, Dylan whispered, “Go on, take your medicine now.”

She didn’t put up a fight and went with him inside.

In the kitchen, Dylan handed her a glass of water and the pill, which she took without a word.

Her compliance was striking, her demeanor unpretentious.

Her only act of defiance had been her affair with Edwin, which Dylan had vehemently discouraged, supposedly for the sake of her work. But his reasons ran deeper.

Edwin could easily toy with someone as innocent as Laura.

Handing her the glass, Dylan was about to leave for the kitchen when Laura’s voice stopped him.

It carried a new resolve.

Angela’s Library

“I’ll forget him, Dylan.”

Dylan waited a beat before replying with a raspy, “Okay,” and then he stepped away.

In the kitchen, he smoked a couple of cigarettes, trying to calm the storm inside.

The urge to confront Edwin was overwhelming. How could someone born with a silver spoon have the heart to wound Laura?

Laura was the epitome of simplicity, her desires modest.

Morning came, and so did Lina.

Dylan had driven to the airport to fetch her. On their way back, Lina’s concern spilled out.

“How’s Laura?”

He kept his eyes on the road, his voice light.

“Just a Little down with the change of weather. She’s fine, really.”

