A Second Chance With My Billionaire Love - Chapter 2222

Chapter 2222


“Marcus has always been after a certain oil drilling project, hasn’t he? I’ll let him have it.”

Alexis, intrigued, asked, “But why should I get involved? That’s a gain for Marcus.”

Edwin’s frustration was palpable.

“Just name your price, I’ll meet it.”

Alexis agreed, much to his relief.

After the call, he sat lost in thought.

He knew his love for Laura was genuine, yet he also recognized the limitations of what he could offer her. Even without Vanessa in the picture, a future together seemed unattainable.

Walking into the company, he was met by Tina’s surprised look.

She had expected him to be with Miss Smith for her wedding dress fitting.

Removing his coat, Edwin walked into his office.

“Bring me the file for the Zenith Corporation partnership.”

Tina nodded.

While fetching the documents, she mused to herself about how love troubles often turned men into workaholics.

She returned with a substantial stack of paperwork.


Edwin delved into it, working until Tina reappeared at day’s end with a complicated look.

“Mr. Evans, your father called. He’s inviting you to dinner.”

Without glancing up, Edwin quipped, “Has he become that gentle now?”

Tina, feeling uneasy, hesitated.

Edwin prompted her to repeat Mark’s message. Taking a deep breath, she relayed, “Mr. Evans said, ‘Tell that bastard son of mine to roll back here!'”

Her delivery was hesitant, almost fearful of Edwin’s reaction.

Edwin closed the file with an air of composure.

“That sounds more like him,” he commented, prompting a weak smile from Tina.

As he prepared to leave, Tina quietly informed him, “Miss Smith called several times. I told her you were unavailable.”

Pausing, Edwin replied with a hint of appreciation, “Tina, you’ve just earned yourself a raise.”

