A Second Chance With My Billionaire Love - Chapter 2323

Chapter 2323


Waylen lit a cigarette; halfway through it, he spoke up.

“At first, when I aided the Douglas family and took you in, the primary reason was indeed your rare blood type. But ponder this, Leonel. Over the years, did I not treat you as my own, or did Rena not adore you like a son? She even yearned to love you more, yet I held her back.

I believed all four children in the family deserved equal treatment.

You shouldn’t be the exception even if we felt bad for you.”

He took a drag from his cigarette.

“And besides, you’re the eldest.


It’s your duty to look after the younger ones.”

He then added, “Wouldn’t you agree, Leonel?”

Leonel nodded.

His heart ached even more, a dense, throbbing anguish.

Growing infuriated increasingly, Waylen continued, “You ventured abroad, explored the world, and you don’t want to come back and inherit Exceed Group. No issue! I’m just delighted with your thriving career of your own! But all of this assumes you don’t harbor affection for Alexis and never considered a life together with her!

Yet deep down, you clearly care for her while simultaneously yearning to evade this life. Leonel, I know Alexis best. She won’t easily turn back! Now, at this point, my two children are causing each other pain. How am I supposed to handle this?”

He couldn’t contain himself any longer and scolded, “You darn fool, not even allowing me a peaceful holiday.”

Leonel projected an imposing presence outside.

Everyone addressed him with utmost respect, but in Waylen’s presence, he endured the scolding.

A prickling sensation even nagged at his nose.

Waylen once more took up the passport, assessing it thoughtfully.

“You’re young and ambitious, free to run wherever you wish. Rena and I can’t hold you back any longer. We don’t expect anything except for when the day we’re both gone, you will return, bearing a bunch of chrysanthemums for us. After that, you can fly wherever your heart desires!”

“Mr. Fowler!” Leonel exclaimed.

Shame overwhelmed him.

Waylen shot him another stern look.

“You darn fool!”

Having uttered those words, he departed, and Rena’s voice echoed from the doorway.

“What did Leonel say?”

