A Second Chance With My Billionaire Love - Chapter 2383

Chapter 2383


Her feelings for Edwin were genuine, and she felt no regret. In fact, the public revelation of their relationship had actually brought her a sense of relief. Her main concern had always been Cecilia.

When the news went viral, Cecilia had called and assured her, “Laura, Edwin and his father will handle everything, so don’t worry.”

Laura seemed calm now.

But that very afternoon after she hung up the phone, when she was alone, Laura had cried silently for a long while.

She felt unworthy of this love, yet deeply attached to Edwin and his family.

The next morning, Edwin was up early.

He received a call from Alexis, her voice carrying a cold edge.

“The Smith family wants to negotiate. I’ve agreed. We’ll meet at my law firm at 10 am.”

Holding his phone in one hand, Edwin buckled his belt with the other.

His response was a cool and determined smile.

A N G E L A ‘s L I B R A R Y

“Good, I’ll be there early.”

Alexis hesitated before adding, “The Smith family is in a tight spot after Vanessa’s actions. They might propose a political marriage.

Also, the Evans shareholders from Czanch will be there. Brace yourself.”

Edwin clenched his teeth subtly.

His temperament was similar to Waylen’s, but in moments of pressure, he resembled Mark, tolerant until pushed too far.

As the Smith family increasingly pressured him, he saw no reason to back down.

The thought of marrying Vanessa was out of the question for him.

Briefly stepping downstairs, he returned holding a document – a prenuptial agreement.

He had made up his mind to marry Laura, seeking to legally make her his wife as soon as possible.

Edwin soon returned home.

In the kitchen, Lina was already up, quietly preparing breakfast.

“You’re awake early,” she commented.

“I’ve prepared two poached eggs and fresh milk for you. It’s important for men your age to replenish themselves,” she added, with a hint of care in her voice.

Edwin thanked her softly, “Thanks, Mom.”

