A Second Chance With My Billionaire Love - Chapter 824

Chapter 824


Mark’s heart ached.

He was worlds apart from her. How could he not grasp that she expressed these sentiments to show her resentment towards him?

She should resent him.

Back then, they got along so well. Their relationship was passionate and exhilarating.

‘Any woman, whether inexperienced or worldly, would have thought that he’d eventually marry her.

Mark had indeed contemplated marrying her.

But he had failed her in the end.

He wanted to hold her hand, yet she refused…

After regaining her composure, she said, “I’m sorry, | lost my composure. If you wish to see


Edwin, have your secretary contact me. I’ll make arrangements.”

Mark gently inquired, “Is it alright for me to visit the Fowlers’ residence?”

Cecilia appeared visibly taken aback.

She wished to decline but the Evans family and the Fowler family were related through her brother and Rena’s marriage…

Mark didn’t press her any further.

He had chanced upon her today, without any ulterior motives. He merely wanted to talk to her…

It had been a long time since he had an uncomplicated conversation with someone. There were no hidden agendas, just a man and a woman.

Cecilia hurriedly left.

As she reached her car and opened the door, she suddenly paused.

On the other side, the back window of Mark’s car slid down, revealing a mature and stunning woman seated inside.

Cecilia recognized her instantly.

Cathy Wilson, one of Mark’s subordinates and also his girlfriend.

Cathy nodded at Cecilia.

