Back to the Past: The Rise of the False Heiress Marrying the True Tycoon novel free - Chapter 179

Chapter 179


Chapter 179: Discussion


Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Jin Long said, You two carry on, Im heading back to lie down.

He didnt feel like engaging with his fake-brother, Su Shen, and after exchanging a brief greeting with Gu Zi, he left.

Su Shen was preoccupied and didnt have time to attend to him. After checking

Gu Zi over and ensuring she wasnt injured, he affirmed, I wont let the Tian

family Ott the hook.

Su Li rushed over to inform Su Shen, Dad, those people were fierce and wanted to hurt Mom. Uncle Lin Cheng and the others protected her.

Su Shen ruffled his sons hair, and Gu Zi also embraced Su Le, saying, Su Li, youre very good, and Su Bing is very capable too. He protected me as well.

Su Bing blushed at the praise. He felt it wasnt much protection; he had simply brought Big Yellow to her. Their mom was exaggerating.

Su Shen said, Youre all the best. Go to bed quickly; Ill buy you gifts tomorrow.

The brothers happily turned off the TV and went upstairs. Gu Zi handed Su Le over to Su Shen and went to the kitchen to reheat the dishes for him.

She was still wondering why Su Jing had been so supportive today. It turned out that Su Shen was considerate enough to have a conversation with Su Jing beforehand.

From her recent discussion with Su Shen, she learned that him handing her control over the household finances had an additional layer of intention.

If Su Jing had any sense left, upon finding out that Gu Zi was in charge of the money, she would realize the futility of going against her. He was alleviating the pressure in their sister-in -law relationship and resolving the root of the issue.

Gu Zi prepared the dishes, and she made two heart-shaped fried eggs for Su Shen as he had a hearty appetite, and two eggs were just right.

Su Shen said, Im sorry I couldnt rush back in time. Ill thank Lin Cheng for protecting you and apologize to Uncle Lin and Aunt Lin. Its unbelievable that someone would dare to bully you at home.

Gu Zi served him some food and replied, Youve been busy with work. How could I blame you? Some things are just unforeseeable.

She informed Su Shen about the mischief that Chu Xis in-laws had been up to behind the scenes.

Su Shen stated, Ill handle this matter.

Gu Zi nodded; she truly didnt want to face those two unreasonable and scheming old people.

At this moment, Su Le was feeling sleepy, so Su Shen said, Take the child upstairs. Ill wash the dishes.

Gu Zi didnt hesitate; she carried the child upstairs, gave Su Le a quick wash and changed her clothes before lulling her to sleep. Then she went to take a shower herself.

Looking at her graceful figure in the mirror, she reminisced about the days events in the office.

Su Shens kis had enthralled her. He even touched her chest and slipped his hand between her thighs. At that moment, she couldnt help but tremble.

It was an unprecedented, exquisite experience of pleasure. If Su Shen hadnt been interrupted, would he have continued further?

She patted her face, telling herself she shouldnt dwell on it, stopped looking at the mirror, and swiftly finished her shower before coming out.

In order to calm her mind and prevent herself from overthinking, she read a book for a while. When she was ready to sleep, she suddenly remembered the new bed sheets and duvets that Lin Cheng and the others had brought for the new house. Should she tell Su Shen about it?

Regardless, it was their new home, and they should discuss how to decorate it.

She walked out and knocked on Su Shens door. He opened the door with damp hair.

He had just finished showering, casually dressed in a blue pajama shirt, water droplets trickling down his jawline and neck, faintly revealing his chest muscles.

Gu Zi felt her lips dry up as she averted her gaze and said, Shall we discuss the new decoration for the master bedroom?

Su Shen made space and invited her in. The room was filled with a subtle fragrance, much like the scent of a man.

Shen following suit.

He asked, Ill have the main bedroom decorated soon. What style do you like?

Gu Zi replied, Something festive. Today, my brother and the others brought bed sheets and duvets for the bed. I think we should use those for the bed.

Su Shen nodded, Ill arrange for the rest and mainly focus on the style you prefer.

He believed that it was most important that Gu Zi liked the decorations. But the fact that she was willing to discuss it with him made him quite pleased.

Gu Zi stood up and said, Thats settled then. You should rest early too and take care of yourself.

Recently, Su Shen had been quite occupied with the pig farms affairs. There were times when she noticed him leaving home very late.

Her voice was tender and caring, and her eyes reflected concern. Su Shens stern face softened a bit.

He didnt say anything, choosing not to advise her to sleep early. Instead, he gazed at her, causing her cheeks to suddenly flush..

