Back to the Past: The Rise of the False Heiress Marrying the True Tycoon novel free - Chapter 183

Chapter 183


Chapter 183: Amazing Culinary Skills


Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Gong Xin had reached a breaking point with them, especially after witnessing Gu Zis life in the countryside and seeing Gu Zis fianc. Only then did she realize how repulsive Gong Zhan and Lin Miaos actions were.

Instead of focusing on their own lives, they seemed to thrive on causing trouble for others and tarnishing their reputation.

She was aware that all these rumors stemmed from Lin Miao, but did Gong

Zhan not possess a voice of his own? Was he content to let Gu Zi be slandered?

She felt that it was right for Gu Zi to leave the city to marry Su Shen. It seemed like the right thing to do!

Observing her beloved daughter and son embroiled in a heated argument,

Madam Chen was torn about whose side to take. She approached and pulled

Gong Xin back, whispering, Lin Miao is still here. What are you both doing?!

Gong Zhan clenched his fists in anger. Regardless of where he was, owing to his fathers status, people treated him respectfully and sought to please him.

Even at home, being the only son, no matter how much his parents cherished Gong Xin, Gong Xin had never spoken to him in such a manner.

But today, for an outsider like Gu Zi, Gong Xin seemed to disregard him entirely.

He was completely infuriated. Gong Xin, since you dont treat me like a brother, dont call me your brother from now on!

He stormed into the room, forcefully slamming the door shut, causing the three women to startle. Lin Miaos eyes welled up with tears.

Im sorry, she whispered softly. I shouldnt have come. Ill leave immediately.

Madam Chen felt a sense of dismay. Why was everyone being so troublesome?

However, Gong Xins response was cold and harsh. You shouldnt have come here in the first place. Lin Miao, stop pretending to cry. Your presence has brought nothing but misfortune upon us.

Lin Miao, consumed by anger, burst into tears and hastily fled from the Gong familys residence. Madam Chen sat on the sofa, pressing her hand against her forehead in exasperation. She didnt go after Lin Miao; she felt too drained to do so.

At Daqing Villages Su family residence, Su Shen arrived home punctually for lunch, carrying the promised gifts for Su Bing and Su Li.

It was two car-shaped pencil boxes. Gu Zi anticipated the joy the children would express upon seeing them. She knew these pencil boxes were considered a form of status symbol among kids in this era, a way to flaunt their possessions to classmates.

Observing a red box among the gifts, she inquired, Whats this?

Su Shen handed her the box, revealing it contained liquor-filled chocolates, a trendy snack of the time.

Gu Zi smiled faintly, acknowledging Su Shens romantic gesture. His act of buying chocolates to appease her indicated his sincerity in their relationship.

She opened the box. Inside were twelve individually wrapped black cone-shaped chocolates. She picked one, unwrapped it, and took a bite. The outer layer was smooth chocolate, while the inside held a liquid with a subtle scent of alcohol.

She nibbled and tasted the sweet liquid within.

Taking another one, she naturally offered it to Su Shen. Without hesitation, he opened his mouth and playfully sucked on her fingertip, a gesture filled with suggestive ambiguity.

Gu Zi felt a surge of sensation coursing through her body, prompting her to swiftly put away the chocolate. Her face flushed, she stammered, Wash your hands and have some. Ill go get Lele.

Su Shen made his way to the dining room. Today, only a portion of the table was occupied by food while the rest was adorned with an array of colorful snacks. These treats were elegantly packed in gift boxes crafted from banana leaves, presenting a visually tempting display.

In the past, Su Shen hadnt been particularly drawn to sweet treats, but Gu Zis passion for culinary experimentation intrigued him.

Whether it was main courses, desserts, or sweet soups, Gu Zi loved preparing them all.

Her desserts, unlike many others, werent overly sweet. They held a refreshing quality that appealed even to those who typically avoided sugary dishes. Both Su Shen and Su Bing found themselves eagerly looking forward to her creations.

Noticing Su Shen eyeing the snacks, Gu Zi informed him, These are all for sale at the school tomorrow. Try this.

She offered him a piece of taro cake. Su Shen took a bite, pleasantly surprised by its taste.

The light purple pastry boasted a golden, crispy exterior while remaining tender within. It carried a delightful aroma of taro and bacon, offering a balanced savory flavor that impressed him.

He lauded her efforts, setting down his chopsticks and complimenting, Youre truly ingenious. Youve gone to great lengths for the children.

Observing his fondness for the snacks, Gu Zi offered him another piece. She mentioned having prepared more and suggested he take some for the workers at the pig farm when he visited later. She meticulously packed portions separately for Lin Cheng and Lin Hun.

Su Shen was hesitant, not wanting her to exert herself too much. However, acknowledging her genuine love for cooking, he chose not to voice his concerns.

