Back to the Past: The Rise of the False Heiress Marrying the True Tycoon novel free - Chapter 189

Chapter 189


Chapter 189: The Right to Refuse


Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Chen Fu wore a smug expression while pulling faces, and Teacher Cai had observed this all along.

Though he taught at an elementary school, Teacher Cai had studied numerous psychology courses. Determining whether a child was lying, bullying, or being bullied was something he could easily discern.

He hadnt intervened earlier because he wanted the two parents to communicate first. The eyes of the crowd were keen, and after their discussion, the truth was clear without the need for additional words.

However, when Chen Fus mother heard the teacher siding against her son, she became defiant. She raised her sharp and unkind chin, accusing the teacher of bias.

Teacher Cai felt irritated by her unreasonable behavior. How could someone be so illogical?

But as an educator, he couldnt behave as irrationally as she did, nor could he stoop to her level.

Speaking gently, he said, Chen Fus parent, if you trust your son so much, let me ask him a few questions. If he insists on lying, then Ill have nothing more to say.

Gu Zi observed Teacher Cai, finding him remarkably sensible. She felt a sense of relief. In such situations at school, when confronted with unreasonable parents and children, a teacher was the best mediator.

Teacher call exempphea this approach, unlike many equcators ana schools In the future who would avoid involvement or evade responsibility whenever possible.

In comparison, educators of this era seemed more responsible and caring.

Chen Fus mother exuded confidence in her sons skill at dodging questions, appearing entirely convinced of her righteousness. She proclaimed loudly, Go ahead, ask him! But, teacher, after youre done, please dont show such favoritism.

Ignoring her, Teacher Cai brought Chen Fu closer and calmly examined him for a prolonged moment with steady eyes.

Chen Fus gaze was evasive. He did not even dare to look straight into the teachers eyes.

No matter how unreasonable he was, he was still young. Many of his distorted values were influenced by his parents.

He still held a primal reverence for the teacher, and within moments, his palms were sweaty with anxiety.

Teacher Cai finally spoke, Chen Fu is also a good child. Good children dont lie. Tell me, why did you break Su Lis pencil case?

Under the weight of the moment, Chen Fu, in his anxiety, faltered and confessed before his mother could intervene, Because I wanted to play with it.

Su Li wouldnt let me, so I snatched

Chen Fus mother tried to cover her sons mouth, but the truth had already escaped his lips. He admitted to snatching Su Lis pencil case and then breaking it.

Though he found some solace in his confession, Chen Fu pondered why he was compelled to deny his actions. Was it not acceptable for him to derive pleasure from tormenting others?

Yet, he recalled his mothers instructions to always deny misdeeds. Consequently, whenever he bullied someone, he automatically resorted to lies and denial, despite feeling internal discomfort.

Gu Zi and the other rational parents around felt relieved, hoping the matter could be properly resolved without further conflict.

However, Chen Fus mothers shameless defense left everyone speechless. She upheld her son, saying, Even if my son took it, its still the fault of that Su kid. Who does he think he is, not sharing? So stingy, cant even let others play! He lacks manners!

Her aggressive and irrational behavior shocked many. Her son had admitted to the wrongdoing, yet she continued to argue?

Even Teacher Cai found himself at a loss. This woman had no shame!

There was a moment of silence until Gu Zi comforted Su Li and raised her voice to counter Chen Fus mothers words.

It belongs to my son. He has the right to refuse to share it. While you are free to ask, if my child declines, he has the right to say no! I see no problem with that. 

Teacher Cai echoed, Indeed, even if Su Li didnt want to share, Chen Fu, you shouldnt have snatched. This is a civilized society, a school environment, and youre a student. How could you act so uncivilized?

Chen Fu blushed, feeling utterly embarrassed. Yet, internally, he didnt see a problem with snatching. If it was wrong, why would his mother defend him? He couldnt understand.

Chen Fus mother snorted. Stinginess is stinginess. Youre making a big deal out of nothing!

Gu Zi remained composed, Your childs belongings werent the ones damaged, thats why you speak this way.. But living in society, how can you not consider other peoples feelings?

