Back to the Past: The Rise of the False Heiress Marrying the True Tycoon novel free - Chapter 190

Chapter 190


Chapter 190: Apologize


Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation       Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Chen Fus mother, casting a disdainful glance at Gu Zi, waved off the conversation. Lets not dwell on this, shall we? No need to make a fuss over a pencil case. Well compensate you and be done.

Many bystanders felt it was a mere childs dispute and best left unextended.

If she was willing to settle with money, it seemed acceptable. This woman appeared quite adamant. No one expected an apology. Payment was considered sufficient.

However, Gu Zi believed the issue wasnt about compensation. What she sought was an apology for her sons.

More important than money was safeguarding the childrens emotional well-being.

Without an apology from Chen Fus mother and him, it wouldnt be a fair resolution, even with compensation.

Su Bing and Su Li also felt unjustly treated. By accepting only compensation, would it imply they lacked understanding of sharing?

Su Li knew his refusal wasnt about being selfish. He was cautious because he anticipated trouble from Chen Fu. Should he give away his possessions, knowing it might lead to trouble?

The pencil case held sentimental value from his dad. An apology mattered more than money.

Gu Zi comforted Su Bing and Su Li, giving them a sense of assurance that she wouldnt allow them to be treated unfairly.

Su Bing admired the resolve of this woman. She seemed determined to stand up for them.

Gu Zi insisted, Consider this scenario: If you were enjoying dessert in the park, would you allow someone to demand it from you? You wouldnt. Polite people dont snatch nor show displeasure at a refusal.

It was evident who lacked manners here. Gu Zi couldnt stand by as accusations tarnished the reputation of Su Bing and Su Li.

Having reason and fairness was crucial. Gu Zi wanted Su Bing and Su Li to understand this principle.

Chen Fus mother was at a loss, visibly agitated. Thats because your son was unwilling to share. If your son had been willing, would this unpleasantness have occurred?

Gu Zi argued, Every individual is independent. Sharing assumes respect for another persons individuality. Otherwise, its not sharing; its seizing! Its thievery and bullying. Merely compensating isnt enough. Both you and your son owe mine an apology!

The surrounding parents began discussing. Some admired the woman, noting her rational arguments, her pursuit of proper compensation, and her defense of her childrens emotional well-being.

They couldnt help but contemplate how they might handle such a situation if it were their own child. They realized they might not be as eloquent or as adept at fighting for justice.

As a stepmother, her dedication to these two kids was truly remarkable.

This matter was indeed not just about compensation. Chen Fus mother and son needed to apologize for their rudeness and counter-accusations.

However, surprisingly, some sided with Chen Fus mother, considering it trivial since compensation had been agreed upon.

They said, Young lady, youre too idealistic. Its unnecessary to nitpick everything. These kids barely understand right from wrong. Let it go, compensation settles it.

Yes, todays supposed to be a joyful day at school. Dont drag us into your family squabbles!

Su Bing felt uneasy hearing these remarks. Chen Fus mother and son were clearly out of line. How could they blame his mother?

He wanted to retaliate but was stopped by Gu Zi, who calmly stated, We dont need everyones approval, just fairness and human rights. Dont mind them; after all, its not their child feeling aggrieved.

Su Bing stood still obediently. Those who advocated for peace suddenly became quieter. Their attempted moral pressure didnt seem to affect this young woman.

Chen Fus mother adopted an arrogant posture. Apologize? Impossible! Neither my son nor I are at fault. If you think Ive broken the law, call the police!

She was a sales assistant at a pork stall in a department store. This was a very prestigious official job, and it was always others who came to curry favor with her..

