Back to the Past: The Rise of the False Heiress Marrying the True Tycoon novel free - Chapter 200

Chapter 200


Chapter 200: Threatened


Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Lin Miaos eyes fixed on MO Li; she didnt seem like she was lying.

MO Lis father was a formal employee at the power supply bureau, where coworkers often compared their childrens job placements, marriages, and promotionsa common practice among colleagues.

For MO Li to seek a decent job was advantageous, both for herself and her family. Lin Miao could understand that much.

But Lin Miao couldnt fathom how she could provide MO Li with a respectable job when she was not in a good position herself.

Rather than admit her inadequacy, which would make her appear useless, Lin Miao inquired, What kind of job are you talking about?

Taking a sip of her tea, MO Li smiled and said, Youre pretending not to know. I know your current status. Not only are you the heiress of the Gu family, but also the chosen future daughter-in-law of Director Gong. Isnt your fianc, Young Master Gong Zhan, looking for a secretary lately?

MO Lis words instantly caught Lin Miao off guard. She had wanted to apply for the position of Gong Zhans secretary herself, but he had declined, citing her lack of qualifications.

However, after learning the jobs requirements, she hesitated to apply. She found many of the documents incomprehensible.

And now, MO Li was apparently seeking her help to become Gong Zhans secretary. Although MO Li wasnt particularly attractive, she was still a woman, and her learning ability was pretty good. To have her as a secretary

Feeling somewhat threatened by MO Lis calm demeanor, Lin Miao knew that if she didnt agree to these terms, MO Li would surely expose her. She finally spoke after a long silence, Normally, I dont intervene in Gong Zhans affairs. But since youve made such a sincere request, Ill inquire about it for you and then recommend you.

Lin Miao was concerned about MO Li getting close to Gong Zhan and uncertain whether he would accept her. For now, she had to stall MO Li while she figured out how to approach Gong Zhan.

However, MO Li wasnt easy to deal with. She remarked, Ill give you three days. I want the chance for an interview for that job. Of course, Ill cooperate fully with you.

MO Li was also surprised to learn that Lin Miaos identity had changed. She had heard from her parents that the Gong family in the military compound had been looking for a potential partner for their son recently. The Gu familys daughter had a conflict with him and was rather unhappy about it.

Furthermore, the rumors about the real and fake heiresses, as well as the mistaken identities of the children, intrigued MO Li. Upon inquiring more, she was pleasantly surprised to hear them mention Lin Miaos name.

Afterward, she diligently inquired about Lin Miaos situation and learned a plethora of details, the most crucial being that Lin Miao was now Gong Zhans betrothed.

Considering that the Gong family had contemplated seeking a more suitable match, there must be an underlying tension between Gong Zhan and Lin Miao. It seemed an opportune time to exploit this rift.

In this part of the city, who wasnt familiar with the young military officer from the Gong family? He had a reputable lineage and was strikingly handsomea veritable knight in shining armor for many women. And MO Li was no exception.

Moreover, MO Li had encountered the young master of the Gong family herself. In her estimation, she was the best candidate to become his partner. Any way you sliced it, she was definitely a better choice than Lin Miao, a country girl.

Therefore, her true intent was to get close to Gong Zhan, not for the sake of a respectable job. Even if Lin Miao became aware of this, MO Li remained unfazed.

She hadnt initially expected to completely avoid arousing Lin Miaos suspicions. After all, a womans intuition in such matters was remarkably astute. But Lin Miao had no other option; she had to agree.

What Lin Miao was unaware of was MO Lis deep-seated jealousy. Despite knowing that Lin Miao had concocted lies out of vanity before, MO Li still felt

envious of Lin Miaos apparent compliance with her foster parents. Even though Lin Miao was poor, she was willing to go along with their charade.

At the age of marriage, Lin Miao was discovered to be the daughter of the Gu family from the military district compound. She returned directly to her biological parents and became engaged to Director Gongs son, completely ousting the outstanding and beautiful Gu Zi.

MO Li felt that Lin Miao had been blessed with too much fortune from the heavens. It was only fair for her to take a piece of that.

In line with MO Lis expectations, Lin Miao found herself with no other recourse but to agree, I can do it. Wait for my message..

