Back to the Past: The Rise of the False Heiress Marrying the True Tycoon novel free - Chapter 202

Chapter 202


Chapter 202: Mom Is Delicious


Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Gu Zi felt that the original author had crafted a rich background, yet in the original book, Su Shen was merely a supporting character, leaving many details unexplored. She mentioned to Su Bing and Su Li, In a way, youre descendants of nobility.

Yesterday, she had gone with Su Shen to pay respects at the Su family ancestral hall. There, they heard some stories from the old custodian about the ancestors of this place.

She narrated these tales as anecdotes for her three children. Not for any other reason but that she believed knowing where their ancestors came from would help them better remember this land, instilling a firm belief in their homeland.

She wanted her children to deeply understand that they were no less than anyone else. They should bravely be themselves, just like their ancestors, accumulating wisdom to enrich their lives and expand their horizons.

Su Bing listened to her stories with a seemingly calm expression, but a warm current surged in his heart.

He knew it was a fervor rooted in his genes, existing due to the persistent beliefs of their forefathers.

Su Li, however, didnt grasp the depth of the sentiment. He sat, eating the fried chicken legs his mother had made, not entirely understanding her stories but catching one idea: the ancestors of the Su family were formidable, incredibly

His thoughts were soon filled with how delicious the chicken legs were, especially when dipped in his moms homemade tomato sauce!

The fried shrimp sticks were fantastic, particularly when paired with his moms homemade egg-yolk milk sauce!

Even the stir-fried herbal jelly was divine, especially with all sorts of condiments!

Su Le was close to Su Li, so she kept hearing her brother say that this was delicious, and that was also delicious.

Hence, when Gu Zi was about to feed her a bite, she showcased her impeccable sentence construction skills, Mom is delicious, Brother is delicious, Lele is delicious, Dad is delicious.

Su Li burst out laughing. Mom, whats Lele, this little goofball, saying?

Gu Zi fed a bite of shrimp stick to Le Le and replied, Shes counting everyone in our family. Lele is amazing. She knows that theres a mother, brothers, father, and herself at home.

When Lele heard her mother praise her, her tiny mouth turned upwards immediately, clapping her little hands joyfully, Mom is delicious! Mom is delicious!

After Su Le finished speaking and saw everyone laughing at her, her face momentarily blushed, and she turned, seeking refuge in her mothers embrace. Su Li teased, The little ones even feeling shy, huh.

Su Bing shot him a look and defended her sister, You were also a child once, even sillier than her. Gu Zi agreed, nodding slightly.

Su Li suddenly felt the chicken leg in his hand losing its appeal. For a moment, he felt a pang in his heart: his brother and mom preferred Lele.

But looking at the adorable Le Le, he quickly reasoned it out: Its alright, I like Lele too. If Brother and Mom like Lele, thats the same as liking me!

Successfully comforting himself, he resumed gnawing on the chicken leg. The bones in front of him were piled up like a little mountain, more than the combined piles of Gu Zis and Su Bings.

Almost simultaneously, Gu Zi and Su Bing cautioned, Stop eating for now, be careful not to get too much heat.

Gu Zi added, I am planning to make many delicious dishes tomorrow. If you get too much heat today, you might not be able to enjoy them tomorrow.

Hearing this, Su Li, in the midst of reaching for another chicken leg, paused in mid-air, then slowly retracted his hand.

Reluctantly glancing at the chicken leg, he extended his hand toward the herbal jelly in front of him. He told himself that he wouldnt eat so much now so that he could eat more tomorrow.

As it approached eleven oclock, Gu Zi and the children finished their picnic, packed their belongings into a small cart, and headed back to the Su household.

She felt it was normal to say that outside, but for some reason, when Lele said it in front of Su Shen, she found it odd. She sensed Su Shens gaze towards her wasnt entirely innocent.

Su Shen didnt tease her further and said, Lunch is ready. Lets eat.

Gu Zi nodded mechanically, then picked up her bowl and started eating. But as she ate, she felt as if she had something to say.

She was about to speak when Su Shen beat her to it, This morning, Jin Long got a call from the bridal shop. They informed that our wedding photos are ready for pickup. Tomorrow, well head into the city, collect the photos, and buy the necessary things for the wedding.

Gu Zi agreed, but she couldnt think of anything else they needed to buy. They had pork at home, and the bridal chamber already had new bedding.

She remembered that in this era, people considered wearing a wedding dress and hosting a banquet as the best celebration.. What else would they need to buy?

