Back to the Past: The Rise of the False Heiress Marrying the True Tycoon novel free - Chapter 204

Chapter 204


Chapter 204: Fairy-like Mother


Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

As the potato slices were soaking, Gu Zi already had the milk boiled and poured into the refrigerators cooling compartment for preservation.

By the time she finished frying the potato chips and draining the oil, the milk had cooled down. A thick layer of cream had congealed on top of more than a dozen small bowls.

The aroma of the chips wafted through the kitchen, drawing the children in. The tantalizing scent made them forget their trivial worries; even just catching a whiff felt like savoring a delicious bite.

Glancing back at the eager kids crowded around the kitchen door, Gu Zi realized she needed to hasten her pace. She couldnt afford to let these eager little ones go hungry.

Su Li caught a whiff of the delicious scent too. But when he tried to squeeze into the kitchen, he found it impossible.

Standing on tiptoes, craning his neck to peer into the group of kids, he couldnt help but swallow saliva. Mom had made something delicious again!

Using a fork, Gu Zi poked holes in the layer of cream, then carefully poured the milk from each bowl into another, leaving the cream layer at the bottom of the original bowls.

She separated some egg whites, added sugar, and briskly whisked them. After sieving, she combined the egg whites with the milk, blending them meticulously.

The children were captivated, watching this cooking process that seemed more like an experiment. How intricate it was!

Every move she made was elegant, without a trace of clumsiness.

Gu Zi poured the well-mixed egg-milk solution back into each of the original bowls, precisely filling fifteen of them.

Placing the bowls into a large steamer and covering it, she commenced steaming. Then, using the leftover egg yolks, she mixed them with flour to make pancakes.

She filled a large platter with potato chips and egg pancakes. Turning to the children, she said, Lets start with these chips and pancakes, shall we? Could you make way for me, please?

The children widened their eyes. Did she mean they could eat?

Bewildered, they cleared a path. Gu Zi carried the food to the dining table. A man outside came to call his child.

Tie Zhu, dont just barge into someone elses kitchen without manners! Come out! He was about to take his son away and nodded apologetically to Gu Zi.

He worked at the pig farm and had come specifically to help the boss move things. Thanks to Su Shens job opportunity, his son could attend school.

Since it was a weekend and Tie Zhu had no school, and there was work at home, he had brought his child along. Usually, the child tagged along with him at the pig farm.

No problem at all. These things were meant for the kids to eat anyway, Gu Zi reassured them, addressing the children, Come on, start eating. I still have dessert steaming in the kitchen. By the time you finish, dessert will be ready to eat too.

As Su Li saw his mom inviting the kids to eat, he joined in, helping out and even taking the kids to fetch stools.

He felt thrilled when the kids praised him for having a fairy-like mom. They all gathered around the dining table, forming a circle.

The man thanked Gu Zi after seeing how well she cared for his child and went back to work.

Other men, observing how attentively their children were being looked after, felt grateful to Gu Zi, and they worked even harder.

In the kitchen, Gu Zi turned off the heat after a while and let the double-skinned milk stew for another five minutes before serving it.

About ten minutes later, the double-skinned milk had solidified to a nice consistencystill a bit warm, perfect for the kids.

Gu Zi served each child a bowl, saving one for Lele.

Since there was no room left at the dining table, Su Bing and Su Li took their bowls to the living room to eat. Their mom had said it was their own home, so they could be a bit casual. Therefore, they gave up their seats at the table for the other kids.

Su Li took three large spoonfuls, savoring the smooth and delightful taste that lingered on his lips. It was almost divine.

Su Bing also savored each spoonful carefully.

Su Li thought he was a fast eater, but the children in the dining room finished even quicker. They came out and stared eagerly at Su Bing, Su Li, and Gu Zi, who was feeding Lele.

Someone enviously asked Su Li, Su Li, where did your dad find such a fairy-like mom? We want our dads to find one too.

Su Li felt quite proud after hearing that. You wont find a fairy-like mom like mine. Only my dad can.

Seeing more children gathering, Su Bing finished his dessert, took his and his brothers bowls, and headed to the dining room to clean up, seeking refuge from the noisy atmosphere there.

Listening to these childrens innocent words warmed Gu Zits heart. However, she noticed Su Bing seemed a bit overly mature. She didnt insist on making Su Bing become like Su Li. After all, each child had their unique traits, and having differences in character was actually quite goodjust like the proverb Nine sons of the dragon each have their distinct traits..

