Back to the Past: The Rise of the False Heiress Marrying the True Tycoon novel free - Chapter 219

Chapter 219


Chapter 219: Workaholic Mode


Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

These words were very useful. Su Li stuffed two toffees into his mouth

aggrievedly and forced back his tears. I wont cry, I wont cry!

Su Shen went upstairs to brush his teeth. He did not smoke often, but he felt like smoking when Gu Zi left.

After he came down, he brought Su Bing and Su Li out to the ancestral hall. Here, the wedding venue was being arranged in full swing. This was his wedding for Gu Zi, and he wanted to be actively involved.

Su Bing and Su Li also helped hang the red lanterns and pasted the word double happiness on them. They worked especially hard because it was their mothers wedding.

Meanwhile, at the Lin family residence, Gu Zi seemed a bit dispirited. She played with Su Le in the room, but her mind was filled with thoughts about Su Shen.

She couldnt shake off the idea that Su Shen was hiding something from her. He claimed to have retired from the military, but why were Deputy Chief He and the others still closely connected with him? Typically, people move on after someone leaves.

At that moment, there was a knock on the door. Gu Zi said, Come in, I havent locked the door.

Mama Lin and Li Hua walked in. Li Hua even brought in cut fruits for Su Le. On the wedding day, Gu Zi was the main character and would be very busy.

Li Hua was her sister-in-law. According to tradition, the brides sister-in-law could not send her off when she got married, so she took care of Su Le. She had to build a good relationship with the little one!

Su Le looked at the plate of cutely cut food and threw herself into Li Huas arms. Li Hua fed her fruits.

Mama Lin took this opportunity to say to Gu Zi, On the day of your wedding, there should be a maternal aunt as the leader to accompany you to the husbands family. But, dont mention brothers, even in my family, there isnt one. However, I found someone for you. Shes experienced and can serve as the leader. 

The person leading the wedding was usually the maternal aunt from the brides family. If there was no one, they could find other experienced people to do it for them.

This person would guide the bride through all the traditional rituals on the wedding day until she returned to her husbands home. This included ceremonies of worship and blessing, bowing to the ancestral hall, and how to offer tea to elders. The leader assisted and prompted the bride throughout.

With the accompaniment of the leader, the bride would look especially dignified, and the overall ceremony would become more grand.

Gu Zi felt that Mama Lin was very considerate of her. What kind of person is

Mama Lin said, Its our former neighbor, Aunt Yang. However, she moved to Daqing Village with her son and daughter-in-law, not far from the Su family. She is a nice person, but life has been tough for her these years. If you mind, we can find someone else.

Mama Lin had more interactions with Aunt Yang in the past and received many favors from her. Knowing that she was a good and experienced person, she suggested her daughter use Aunt Yang as the guiding person.

Due to the difficulties Aunt Yang had faced over the years, she didnt like others discussing her family matters. Mama Lin refrained from providing detailed information to her daughter.

Meanwhile, Li Hua, who was accompanying Lele, said to Gu Zi, Aunt Yang is a good person, dear. In any case, there is no one better than her. She was just unlucky to have encountered some bad people.

Gu Zi, seeing both her mother and sister- in-law recommending Aunt Yang, agreed. After all, Aunt Yang was just helping out, and her circumstances wouldnt affect Gu Zi.

She took out a red envelope and handed it to Mama Lin, saying, Then, please go ahead and hire her. Dont let her help for nothing.

Gu Zi was the kind of person who wouldnt owe favors if money could solve the problem  one of the reasons she liked money.

Mama Lin smiled and said, Ive already prepared the money. You dont need to give it to me.

Gu Zi didnt insist on declining Mama Lins kind gesture and playfully said, Well then, thanks, Mom!

In the ancestral hall.

This place had undergone a complete transformation from inside out. The once dusty carved beams and painted walls now exuded the charming elegance of ancient times. It was adorned with lanterns and decorations everywhere, as if one could catch a glimpse of the glory of the Su family from thousands of years ago.

Su Shen found someone to decorate the place. Three meals a day would be provided to the host or the helpers.

The Su familys father and sons had dinner here. The workers finished their dinner early, and it was still daylight when they were done.

The elderly man in charge of guarding the ancestral hall persuaded Su Shen to have quite a few drinks. Feeling grateful that young Su didnt refuse, the old man insisted on making sure he got his fair share of drinks.

In the end, Su Shen had the old man completely knocked out and, with his two sons, returned to the Su family residence. He then headed straight to the pig farm, telling his sons that he wouldnt be back tonight and to lock the doors securely!

Su Li looked at Su Bing and asked, Brother, why has Dad entered workaholic mode again?

