Back to the Past: The Rise of the False Heiress Marrying the True Tycoon novel free - Chapter 248

Chapter 248


Chapter 248: Staying At Home


Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Su Bing and Su Li listened to their parents conversation with eager hearts. They naturally wanted to become stronger. This way, not only would they be less likely to be bullied, but they could also protect the people they cared about.

They understood even more clearly than most children that physical strength was crucial for an individual. In the past, they hadnt had this opportunity, but now they did, and they would cherish it.

Seeing the enthusiasm of the two boys, Gu Zi immediately grabbed some paper and a pen and made a rough draft of their training plan. Once they discussed and finalized it, Gu Zi would turn it into an electronic spreadsheet stored on the computer. Then, she would ensure that the boys followed the plan diligently.

Su Li gazed at Gu Zi with admiration, as if she were a genius. Mom, your mind is so clear!

Su Bing sighed and corrected her, Its clear thinking and logic, not just the mind.

Su Shen felt proud of his wifes display of high intellectual qualities. He stood up and said, Ill go cook. You can confirm the plan, and once its ready, Ill strictly follow it.

With the plan settled, Gu Zi went upstairs to work on creating the spreadsheet. Dealing with an old-style computer wasnt a problem for her.

When she came back downstairs, Jin Long had arrived. He had brought some firewood for the Su family. In rural areas, firewood was commonly used for cooking, and there was a dedicated space behind the large kitchen range at the Su household where they stored it.

Jin Long and his team had brought enough firewood to last through the winter. He mentioned that he had to return to the animal farm because it was getting busy. Gu Zi didnt keep him for dinner but gave him a box of homemade pastries as a late-night snack.

While having dinner, Su Shen felt that Gu Zi was looking at him strangely. She didnt ask, and he didnt say anything.

It wasnt until Su Shen had finished showering, climbed into bed, and cuddled with Gu Zi that she spoke in a gentle tone. If youre busy with work, maybe you shouldnt come back to compete with me for house chores.

These past few days after the wedding, he had been returning home quite early. When he said the pig farm wasnt busy, she genuinely believed it, but after seeing Jin Longs appearance today, she realized it was much busier than she thought.

Initially, she was responsible for cooking and taking care of her husband and children at home. How did it become him doing the housework while she took care of him and the children?

It wasnt that this situation was bad, but Gu Zi felt that something was off. Su Shen was definitely not the type of person who couldnt distinguish priorities. Why had he been staying home so much these days?

Gu Zi had a strange feeling that Su Shen was afraid she might suddenly run away. Hadnt she already explained this matter to him?

Su Shen had a reasonable response. I just thought you looked very tired these days, so I wanted you to rest more. As for the pig farm, dont worry. I know my limits, and I wont let things go haywire just because Im not around.

Of course, Gu Zi wasnt worried about the pig farm going awry. It was a large-scale operation with a relatively well-established management system. Even if Su Shen wasnt there for ten days or half a month, major issues wouldnt arise.

Her confusion lay elsewhere, but she also sensed that Su Shen wasnt ready to discuss it with her, so she didnt press further. She changed the topic and told him she planned to set up a stall at the market tomorrow.

Su Shen always believed that Gu Zi was a person with many ideas, so hearing about her plans didnt surprise him. Besides, she had set up a stall once before, and it seemed to have worked out quite well.

He supported her idea and told her, If you want to go, go ahead. Just make sure not to overexert yourself, okay?

Okay, I understand, Gu Zi said as she tucked Su Le under the blanket and snuggled into her husbands arms, falling asleep sweetly.

The next morning, before dawn, Gu Zi got up. She had a habit of sleeping in, but when she had planned tasks to accomplish, she could get up on time.

Today, she planned to make red sugar fermented cakes and white sugar fermented cakes to take to the market to test their popularity.

Previously, she had been successful selling these cakes at a school event, but that day was a special occasion, and the location was in the city, so it couldnt be considered a representative success.

Upstairs, Su Li was changing shoes, while Su Bing had already dressed neatly and knocked on his brothers door, waiting for him to come downstairs.

Su Li opened the door, and a faint sweet scent of rice wafted into his nostrils. It made him feel refreshed. He said to his brother, Mom must have made something delicious again. Ill go take a look.

Without noticing, he ran downstairs, not realizing that one of his feet was still in a slipper.

Su Bing bent down calmly, picked up another sneaker and a slipper, and followed his younger brother upstairs. Clearly, he was used to such behavior from his brother..

