Back to the Past: The Rise of the False Heiress Marrying the True Tycoon novel free - Chapter 26

Chapter 26




Gu Zi smiled and chatted with the people for a while before she spoke up, Its getting late, and I need to get back home to take care of the children.

Hearing Gu Zis words, everyone was stunned for a moment. Everyone in the village knew that their boss had spent money to ask Aunt Chu to take care of the child. So why was Gu Zi in such a hurry to go back and take care of the child?

Is the child at home alone? someone couldnt help but ask.

Gu Zi shook her head with a smile. She explained, When I came here, I took Lele to our neighbor Aunt Zhangs house. I need to get back early so I dont keep Aunt Zhang waiting. Ill be going now.

Everyone looked at each other and thought of Aunt Chus daughter, Chu Tian, who had just come to deliver food.

They originally thought that Aunt Chu was taking care of Lele at the bosss house and couldnt spare the time to come here herself, so she asked Chu Tian to bring food to Boss.

Now it seemed that Aunt Chu didnt go to the Su familys house to take care of Lele today. She even asked her daughter to deliver food and seduce Boss.


How disgusting.

The group had initially stayed in the hall to enjoy the cool, but now they wanted to give the two of them some space for private conversation, so they began to find excuses to leave.

My stomach doesnt feel well. Im going outside.

I remembered I need to mix pig feed. Ill go take care of it.

I need to check on the piglets.

Ill go with you.

Lets go together!

In the blink of an eye, the hall was left with only Su Shen and Gu Zi.

Gu Zi watched as the others left, realizing that they were creating an opportunity for the two of them. However, she didnt need that opportunity.

She stood up, intending to bid farewell to Su Shen. As she looked at his face, she noticed his scrutinizing gaze, causing her eyebrows to furrow slightly.

Gu Zi didnt understand why he was looking at her like that. However, she was still polite as she said, Ill head back now. Take your time with your meal.

As she turned to leave, she heard Su Shens calm voice.

I dont understand why you changed your mind, but since youve come here, I will treat you well.

Gu Zi stopped and turned to look at Su Shen. She was about to respond when he continued.

This is my situation. If you cant accept it, you can refuse. Im well aware of your situation, so theres no need to lie.

A trace of disgust flashed across Su Shens heart. He hated hypocritical people the most.

When Gu Zi heard Su Shen say that, a hint of puzzlement flashed across her eyes. She asked, What did I lie about?

Su Shen frowned and looked at Gu Zi coldly.

Gu Zi met Su Shens gaze fearlessly. From the moment she transmigrated into this body, she had already made up her mind.

What did the hosts thoughts have to do with her?!

She was not the original owner of this body!

Could it be that the person Su Shen cared about was Lin Miao, so he couldnt bear to see her tell the truth?

She pursed her lips tightly and her eyes were cold.

Although Lin Miao was the female lead of this book, she did not think that Lin Miao was a good person when she read the book.

Although the Gu family and the Lin family had mixed up their children at birth and Lin Miao was forced to be a country girl for more than ten years, in the book, even after Lin Miao returned to the Gu family, she still spent her days attacking the host of this body. The original owner of this body died miserably in the end.

She tightened her lips and replied calmly, Some things may sound untrue when heard, and not everything you see is the truth. But time will reveal ones true colors.

After saying this, Gu Zi turned to leave once more.

However, Su Shen was still puzzled by her words and called out, Wait.

Gu Zi turned back to look at Su Shen with a hint of confusion in her eyes, but her gaze was devoid of warmth.

She originally thought that Su Shen was a good man, but now she had to change her mind. Although he was good-looking and rich, his words were not pleasant. It seemed that there was no fate between them.

It seemed that she would have to rely on herself to make a fortune in the future.

Su Shen did not care about Gu Zis attitude. In his opinion, it was normal for Gu Zi to be young and uncertain.

He put the lunch box aside and walked toward Gu Zi. He took out some money from his pocket and handed it to Gu Zi. Take this money. Buy whatever you want. If its not enough, come and find me.

Su Shen remembered that Gu Zi had come to deliver food, so he politely said, Thank you.

Gu Zi accepted the money with a polite thank you. Her frosty demeanor had softened, and she smiled as she said, Thank you. Its my honor to bring you your meal.

She took the money and walked away, her smile still in place. Gu Zi realized that she had been wrong about Su Shen.

Despite his good looks and wealth, he was indeed a good man.

