Back to the Past: The Rise of the False Heiress Marrying the True Tycoon novel free - Chapter 316

Chapter 316


Chapter 316: It Was Not Gu Zi


Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Xinxin, what are you doing standing there? Hurry up and go upstairs to hang the wedding decorations. After all, its your brother whos getting married, show some enthusiasm, Mrs. Chen said as she arrived home to find her daughter standing idly by the phone. She couldnt help but tap her daughters forehead lightly to snap her out of her daze.

Gong Xin shook her head in response, Ive been running errands for you all, isnt that enthusiastic enough? I understand, I understand!

With that, Gong Xin ascended the stairs. For some reason, she had been feeling uneasy since she hung up the phone. She had a nagging feeling that with the addition of Lin Miao and MO Li to Gong Zhans life, their home would never be peaceful again. It was such a headache!

Meanwhile, the Gu family was even busier these days. They were busy spreading the news of their alliance with the Gong family, busy inviting leaders to come for meals, and busy preparing their home to receive visitors. In short, the family had not had a moments rest.

People were constantly coming and going at the Guts residence, making it livelier than ever. Gong Zhan had come over to pay his respects that day, following the usual customs of ordinary families, nothing special.

However, the Gu family was all smiles. Uncle Yang, who was standing beside

Gong Zhan, couldnt quite understand what the family was so busy flaunting.

But Uncle Yang thought that marriage was a matter of mutual consent. If the Gu family didnt mind the hurried and simple ceremony, then there was nothing to criticize.

After Gong Zhan finished paying his respects, he left the Gus residence with Uncle Yang. The Gu couple, along with Lin Miao, saw them off.

Once they were a distance away, Uncle Yang said, Dont blame me for being nosy, but this is a significant event in your life. Are you really not planning to have a wedding ceremony?

Gong Zhan raised an eyebrow, replying indifferently, Ill be joining the army soon. Why should I have a wedding ceremony? So others can accuse my father of being extravagant and wasteful?

Although Uncle Yang knew Gong Zhan to be a proud individual, he was still taken aback by his words. As the son of a high-ranking official, there was nothing wrong with having a wedding ceremony. But Gong Zhan was using this as an excuse.

It was clear that he had no intention of giving Lin Miao a wedding ceremony. This marriage was purely utilitarian. Uncle Yang sighed inwardly, thinking that such a master would not find happiness this way.

As they were about to get into the car, a familiar figure approached, attracting their attention.

A young lady with a princess hairstyle, wearing a round-necked long dress and high heels, was walking towards them carrying a gift box. Uncle Yang almost called her Miss Gu, but as she came closer, he realized that she was not Gu Zi, but Mo Li.

Their hairstyles, accessories, and clothing styles were similar, but their appearances and temperaments were vastly different.

How did MO Li get in? Uncle Yang had his suspicions, but he still nodded in greeting and got into the car first, leaving Gong Zhan and MO Li some space to talk.

Gong Zhan looked at MO Li, his brows slightly relaxed, and his posture eased. For a moment, he felt as if Gu Zi had really returned, and his heart raced.

But upon closer inspection, Gong Zhans brow furrowed slightly.

MO Li knew that he was disappointed because she was not Gu Zi, and she did not look like Gu Zi.

MO Li was very good at finding her direction. She wanted to imitate Gu Zi, so she realized that her height was similar to Gu Zis, just a little shorter, and her figure was not as good. These problems could be solved by wearing high heels and padding her chest.

Moreover, MO Li was a city girl, and her sense of aesthetics and fashion from a young age were quite good. She wanted to imitate Gu Zi, knowing that she couldnt compete with her in terms of facial features, so she started with the atmosphere and feeling. As long as people felt a hint of Gu Zi when they looked at her, that was enough.

When you looked at her closely, she still had her own style and characteristics, which was invisibly attractive to those who were infatuated with Gu Zis beauty and wanted a substitute.

Gong Zhan could be disappointed once, twice, but as long as MO Li made sure that he was a little moved before each disappointment, that was enough.

MO Li was like a frog being boiled in warm water. Eventually, Gong Zhan would get used to MO Lis presence.

He was a smart man who would learn to replace disappointment with satisfaction to make himself less uncomfortable.

With a feigned look of struggle, MO Li mustered the courage to walk up to Gong Zhan. She held out the gift box in her hand and said, I called and they said you were here, so I brought this over. Congratulations on your marriage! This is for you.

She had come specifically today, having made a trip to Xinghua Department Store to buy an expensive gift, to express her feelings to Gong Zhan..

