Back to the Past: The Rise of the False Heiress Marrying the True Tycoon novel free - Chapter 378

Chapter 378


Chapter 378: Request


Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation       Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The incident involving Lin Miao was far from a simple matter of disgracing the Gu and Gong families. Gu Shan was on the verge of a promotion, a time when any mishap could jeopardize his chances. Yet, here they were, embroiled in this scandalous affair. It was a disaster.

Will this affect your promotion? Zhang Mei asked her husband, the gravity of the situation only just dawning on her. The sky seemed to be falling. Gu Shan had been waiting for a promotion for years, and this golden opportunity could not be lost.

Gu Shan waved his hand, his face etched with distress. Enough, he said, Lets first understand the situation, then well figure out a solution. We cannot let this incident affect my promotion.

After leaving the police station, Su Shen and Gu Zi went to have lunch and then visited Papa Lin in the hospital. They also informed him and his wife about the events that had transpired at the banquet.

Gu Zi found it difficult to continue when she began to recount the hardships

Lin Miao had endured in the Lin family for over a decade. Seeing her struggle, Su Shen took over, relaying the painful details. Gu Zi didnt stop him. As heart-wrenching as the story was, Gu Zit s parents needed to hear it.

I think its important for you to understand what kind of person Lin Miao is, Su Shen told his in-laws.

Upon hearing this, Gu Zits parents merely smiled and shook their heads. They understood Su Shens intentions. We have long since disowned Lin Miao, they said.

Su Shen continued, The police will likely come to take statements tomorrow. Think about what you want to say. Its best to lay everything out so this matter can be settled.

Gu Zis parents exchanged a glance. Mother Lin spoke, Thats fine. Once this is over, we should sever all ties with them. Theres no need for any further contact. This applied to both the Gu family and Lin Miao.

Fearing that Gu Zis parents might not be able to handle any unexpected situations the next day, Su Shen and Gu Zi decided to stay the night in the hospitals family room.

Gu Zi, worried about their children, borrowed a phone from the front desk and called the office at the pig farm, asking Jin Long to request Aunt Zhangs help to look after the kids for the night. Su Shen watched his wife, his heart aching for her.

The next morning, Su Shen returned early with breakfast. The steaming soy milk and crispy fried dough sticks awakened Gu Zis taste buds. After breakfast, she felt rejuvenated, her fatigue vanishing.

The morning sunlight streamed through the window, illuminating her delicate and beautiful face. It made her skin appear exceptionally fair, almost translucent, like a finely carved piece of jade.

Sitting beside her, Su Shen watched her eat breakfast, finding the sight pleasing to his eyes. His actions were not limited to just observing, however. Occasionally, he would reach out to tuck away a loose strand of hair that threatened to fall into her face, or he would scrpe up the last bits of food at the bottom of her bowl, or he would use a napkin to gently wipe away crumbs from the corners of her mouth

In the morning, the police arrived. Captain He brought along a subordinate to take statements from Gu Zit s parents and Gu Zi, and to understand their demands.

Gu Zits parents and Gu Zi all spoke truthfully, not one of them felt pity for Lin Miao. She was merely reaping what she had sown. Moreover, the Lin family had already shouldered the blame for her actions for a long time, they had been more than fair.

Papa Lin said, We dont have any other demands, we just hope that the stolen money can be returned to its rightful owner. As for how the thief should be punished, we leave that to the law, we trust in the justice system.

In addition to Papa Lins request, Gu Zi added, Lin Miao was fully aware of the consequences her actions would bring before she committed the theft. She knew it would cause her adoptive parents to be wrongfully accused, yet she still stole the money. I believe Lin Miaos actions are unforgivable. Moreover, her actions have caused my parents to suffer greatly, she needs to compensate them for the damage to their reputation.

Gu Zi believed that the stolen money must be returned, but the compensation could not be overlooked. The Lin family should not have to bear the burden of her actions without recompense.

Gu Zi could not forget the first time she saw the Lin couple, the image of the dilapidated house in the mountain valley.

If Lin Miao had not acted as she did, the Lin family, despite their poverty, would not have had to live in such a drafty, broken-down house. Therefore, Lin Miao must pay compensation.

After hearing Gu Zis demands, Captain He nodded, instructing his subordinate to record them. He said, Your demands are reasonable, we will pursue them as such.

Although Captain He was young, his years of service in the police force had exposed him to all sorts of people and situations, granting him a basic ability to judge different characters..

