Back to the Past: The Rise of the False Heiress Marrying the True Tycoon novel free - Chapter 406

Chapter 406


Chapter 406: Preserving Memories


Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Su Shen wasnt angry. Gong Zhan and Gu Zi were childhood friends, having grown up together in the same courtyard. Gong Zhan was Gu Zits first love, and she found it hard to forget him. Su Shen could understand this, so he didnt pry. But he was jealous, for he had met her too late.

Su Shen,  Gu Zi began, I want to find seeds of a certain plant. I remember theres a street that sells seeds around here. Lets head that way. Guided by her memory, she pointed out a direction, and Su Shen, holding Su Le, followed closely by her side.

Gu Zis memory served her well, and they found several seed shops lined up along the street. However, after asking in three different shops, they found that none of them had rosemary seeds. Some shopkeepers hadnt even heard of the name.

Feeling it was pointless to continue asking, Su Shen led Gu Zi away from the seed street. The rosemary youre looking for is called thyme here, he explained. Many people dont know the name rosemary. We can try the flower market. They should have rosemary plants for ornamental purposes.

Su Shen wasnt sure why Gu Zi wanted to buy rosemary, but he had heard from a comrade about this plant. It grew along the Mediterranean coast and was known as the beacon of the sea by foreign sailors. When ships lost their way, the sailors could rely on the strong scent of rosemary to find their way back to land.

Su Shen also knew that the flower language of this plant was preserving memories. The thought made his heart clench, but seeing the sincere smile on the woman beside him, he felt it didnt matter.

He didnt want to speculate on Gu Zits purpose for buying rosemary, but having just seen Gong Zhan, it was hard for him not to think that Gu Zi wanted to preserve their shared memories. After all, Gu Zi had her past, and Gong Zhan hadnt cherished her properly.

When Su Shen saw Gong Zhan, he also noticed the woman by his side. She was dressed in a shirt and jeans, almost identical to Gu Zis attire, except her jeans were more figure-hugging than Gu Zis casual pants.

Her style was very similar to Gu Zis, even her smile seemed to be imitating Gu Zi. With such a woman by Gong Zhans side, his intentions werent hard to guess.

But was it really interesting for Gong Zhan to find a woman to replace Gu Zi now, after not cherishing her when he had her? Gong Zhan was already married, yet he was still longing for Gu Zi

Though a twinge of discomfort lingered in Su Shens heart, he was more than willing to let Gu Zi purchase whatever she desired. After all, she had done nothing wrong. Gu Zi was his wife, and regardless of the implications of her actions, he was prepared to stand by her side.

They arrived at the flower market and, after visiting only a couple of shops, they found the fragrant rosemary she was looking for. It was a potted plant, complete with a flower pot, and quite expensive. However, Gu Zi was simply unable to resist the scent. Besides, it wasnt as if her husband couldnt afford it.

Without hesitation, Gu Zi ordered three pots. She asked the shopkeeper to package them up for easy transport, while Su Shen expressionlessly pulled out his wallet.

As the shopkeeper busied himself with the packaging, he candidly remarked, Ive landed a big customer today. You have a good eye, miss. I dont dare to stock too many of these, fearing that the high price and lack of popularity might deter sales. But youve cleared out three pots for me today.

This is a good product, you know. Its imported from abroad, and the flowers are beautiful. These pots will bloom soon.

Well, youll have to pack them carefully for me then. Ive seen rosemary flowers a few times. Theyre blue and bloom densely. If you see a field of blooming rosemary from a distance, it looks like a sea of blue. Its quite beautiful.

Ah, you must have been abroad, havent you? You have such an air about you, like a lady whos studied overseas. Its good to get an education and see the world, but it doesnt hinder marriage and having children. Your husband is quite handsome, and your baby is well-behaved, just like you!

The shopkeeper could tell that this customers husband was older than her, but he was no ordinary man. A woman with talent and a man with wealth  they were indeed a perfect match.

Gu Zi exchanged a few pleasantries with the enthusiastic shopkeeper. Of course, she knew the value of rosemary, which was why she had been searching for it. What she hadnt expected, however, was that it would be Su Shen who would ultimately find it for her.

Gu Zi had to admit that the older man was indeed worldly and knowledgeable, even knowing about rosemary. She glanced up at Su Shen, who was also looking at her. Their eyes met, and the intensity of their gaze was somewhat scorching.

The shopkeeper handed the packaged pots to Gu Zi. They werent too heavy, so Gu Zi insisted on carrying them herself. After all, Su Shen was holding their child, which made handling other things a bit cumbersome..

