Back to the Past: The Rise of the False Heiress Marrying the True Tycoon novel free - Chapter 505

Chapter 505


Chapter 505: This Is Status

Cntinue reading on XNVEL.M

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Sorrow transformed into strength for Su Jing, making her work with a renewed vigor. As a result, the Su family had their dinner early that day. During the meal, Gu Zi brought out the braised meat from the shop. Su Li ate with great satisfaction, exclaiming, Mom, when Im on holiday, I want to help Grandma sell braised meat too. I want to learn business and make big money!

Gu Zi smiled indulgently, serving him a large piece of braised pork intestine. Good, learn business, make big money. Mom is looking forward to it! For Gu Zi, as long as the outcome was different from the original, she would be happy even if Su Li became an ordinary person.

Passersby, returning from their farming work, caught the scent of the braised meat and looked on enviously. The Su family was already enjoying a hearty meal while they had just finished their days labor.

Someone sourly remarked, Have you heard? The Lin familys business has been declining. There arent as many customers as when they first opened.

Many people in town havent been able to establish their businesses. How could the Lin family possibly sustain theirs? I think its only because of Su Shens money that theyre still afloat. Otherwise, they would have gone bankrupt.

Although everyone knew these words were exaggerated, they continued in the same vein.

Another person added, I think those city folks were just Gu Zis hired stooges, putting on a show for us. Do you see anyone coming now?

A woman who had visited the town just yesterday and had tried the braised pigs head meat couldnt forget its taste. The aroma wafting from the Sus house was making her mouth water.

However, she couldnt stand the false words being spoken by the people around her.

She stepped forward and said, What bankruptcy? Its just not as bustling as the first few days of opening. Their business is far from dismal. You should go to town one day and see for yourself how well theyre doing.

Theyre living well because they have money. Su Shen earns his money honestly. Whats wrong with his family living well? Many people in our village have benefited from Su Shens success

As the woman was reprimanding the group, they happened to pass by Aunt Zhangs house. Aunt Zhang heard everything clearly. After finishing her meal, she visited the Su family and relayed what she had heard. You dont know, those people were silenced by her words. I was standing behind the door, listening with such satisfaction. I always say, there are still many righteous people in our village.

Upon hearing the news, Su Jing immediately thought of Li Li, who had come to see her earlier that day. She was seething with anger at these despicable individuals who could not bear to see others doing well. With a swift smack on the table, Su Jing rose to her feet, declaring, Aunt Zhang, take me to them. Ill tear their mouths apart!

Upon hearing her words, Su Li stood up in agreement. Finally, he felt a sense of approval for his aunt, at least she wasnt a coward. Ill go too. Ill knock their teeth out! he exclaimed. Even the usually composed Su Bing stood up, unable to tolerate anyone speaking ill of his mother.

Gu Zi, however, was slightly irritated, especially by Su Lis words. She was deeply concerned. With a stern slap on the table, she scolded, All of you, sit down! Are you all full and ready to join the underworld gangs or what?

The womans beautiful face took on an authoritative expression. The three who had been so bold just moments ago instantly lost their momentum and sat back down. There was no choice, this was a matter of hierarchy, and Gu Zi was the leader.

Aunt Zhang found the whole scene amusing and laughed, Oh, they were just joking. They wouldnt really tear anyones mouth apart. Ive shared my gossip and eaten your food, I should get going. I still have dishes to wash at home.

As Aunt Zhang rose to leave, Su Li hurriedly followed to open and close the door for her. He seemed to have upset his mother earlier and thought it best not to linger.

Su Jing immediately stood up to head to the kitchen, Haha, I think I havent washed the dishes yet. Ill go do that now. Su Bing, do you want to help? Without hesitation, Su Bing nodded in agreement, and the two also made their escape.

Gu Zi paid them no mind, continuing to watch television while holding Su Le. She gently told the little girl in her arms, Le Le, you mustnt learn from them. Theyre all brutes.

The next morning, Li Li was already waiting outside the Su familys door. Afraid of attracting Gu Zis attention, she didnt knock, but waited as agreed with Su Jing.

Inside the house, Su Jing sat, fully aware that Li Li had arrived. She deliberately didnt go out, letting her wait a while longer. After all, there should be a price to pay for wanting to harm others.

