Back to the Past: The Rise of the False Heiress Marrying the True Tycoon novel free - Chapter 509

Chapter 509


Chapter 509 An Attempt at Sales

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Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

In a state of half-belief, Gui Hua fetched a pen and paper, her gaze fixed on Li Hua as she wrote. Why are you trying so hard to please me? she asked, suspicion lacing her words. Do you have some ulterior motive?

Li Hua, her hand busily moving across the paper, was too preoccupied to respond. She continued writing, paying no mind to Gui Huas questioning. Gui Hua, receiving no response, shrugged and resumed her task of cracking sunflower seeds.

After a few minutes, Li Hua finished writing. A sense of relief washed over her as she put down her pen and handed the paper to Gui Hua. Here, she said, Im not trying to please you. I just appreciate your straightforwardness. You dont hide your feelings or play games. I want to be friends with you. I hope you wont misunderstand.

A secret thrill ran through Li Hua as she spoke. She hadnt realized she could mimic Gu Zis manner of speaking so well. She was rather pleased with herself.

Upon hearing Li Huas words, Gui Huas casual attitude shifted. She studied the method written on the paper, assessing its authenticity. It didnt seem like something hastily written to appease someone. Perhaps it was worth a try. After all, she had nothing to lose.

Gui Hua cleared her throat, her tone becoming friendlier. As long as youre not trying to please me, thats good. Otherwise, I wouldnt dare use your method. Im not opposed to being friends. Let me try your method and see if it works. Here, Im not one to take without giving in return. She pocketed the paper and casually handed Li Hua a handful of sunflower seeds.

Li Hua accepted the seeds without hesitation and began cracking them open. In a casual, conversational tone, she began promoting her own product. My family is launching a new dessert tomorrow, peanut curd. Its smooth, sweet, and warm. Would you like to try it?

And let me tell you, she continued, not only is it delicious, but it also has excellent beauty benefits. Its especially suitable for womens winter health regimen. Eat it two or three times a week, and your skin will be as soft as egg whites. It can even make you look younger. Regular consumption guarantees overall wellness.

Gu Zi had described the dessert in the same way when she taught her how to make it. Li Hua had been so captivated by the description that she had consumed a large bowl of peanut curd as soon as Gu Zi had finished making it. She had felt as though she would instantly transform into a beauty like Gu Zi after drinking it.

Although the final result wasnt as pronounced as she had hoped, Li Hua was filled with anticipation for the peanut curd. She constantly thought about its potential to enhance beauty, a prospect that brought her immense joy.

Li Hua was convinced that if this product could captivate her, it would undoubtedly enchant other women as well. She began contemplating ways to promote it to the female customers in her shop. Surprisingly, the first person she considered pitching it to was Gui Hua, a decision that seemed like a promising experiment.

Upon hearing about the magical properties of the peanut curd, especially its ability to enhance beauty, Gui Hua was instantly intrigued.

Will it be on sale tomorrow? she asked. How much does a bowl of this wonderful product cost in your shop?

Li Hua held up five fingers. 0.1 yuan per bowl. Its definitely worth the price. The peanut curd was primarily sold as a complement to other snacks, so the pricing was not high. It was a cost most people who came for breakfast could afford.

Moreover, Li Hua had become adept at running her business. Unlike her initial days of setting up a stall, she was no longer insecure about quoting prices. She could confidently declare her rates.

Gui Hua, however, was suspicious. She wondered if Li Hua was deliberately trying to promote her product, intending to convert the small shop owner into a regular customer. Gui Hua chuckled at the thought, finding Li Huas strategy rather clever.

With a twinkle in her eye, Gui Hua retorted, Since youre here to share beauty tips, and you genuinely want to befriend me, why didnt you write down the recipe for the peanut curd? I could make it myself and enhance my beauty without spending a dime. You wouldnt be trying to get me to support your business, would you? Are you afraid that if you share the recipe, youll lose out on profits?

Li Hua had anticipated this response and had already prepared her rebuttal. Hearing Gui Huas question brought her immense satisfaction. It was just as Gu Zi had said: predicting others predictions made interactions effortless.

Gui Hua, you underestimate me, Li Hua responded. Its just a recipe for peanut curd. I dont mind sharing it.

But making it is time-consuming and requires a lot of effort. Its quite a hassle. Just grinding the peanuts takes several rounds. If you want to eat it, making it yourself would be quite laborious. Its easier to buy it ready-made. But if you have the patience, you can make it yourself. At least then, our Sister Huas Gourmet Shop wont be profiting off you.

With an air of generosity, Li Hua quickly wrote down the recipe for the peanut curd. She knew in her heart that unless one was in the business, no one would tolerate making it daily. Eventually, if Gui Hua wanted to eat peanut curd, she would have to buy it from the shop.

What harm could there be in letting her try and fail?

