Back to the Past: The Rise of the False Heiress Marrying the True Tycoon novel free - Chapter 519

Chapter 519


Chapter 519 This Wont End Up at the Police Station

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Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

At this moment, Li Li was pinned down by Su Jing. Upon hearing Gu Zis threat to let loose the Tibetan Mastiff, Li Li immediately bit Su Jings shoulder, forcing her to release her grip. Su Jing, not wishing to continue the scuffle on the ground, loosened her hold. The two women then disengaged, cautiously standing up and eyeing each other warily.

The commotion had attracted a crowd of onlookers. Aunt Zhang, who was about to head to the fields with her hoe, had barely taken two steps when she noticed the crowd gathered outside Su Jings house. Worried, she dropped her hoe and hurried over, muttering to herself, What on earth is happening now?

As Aunt Zhang approached the Su residence, a thin, stern woman brandishing a broomstick arrived. She pushed past Aunt Zhang and the crowd, planting herself firmly with her hands on her hips, her accusing gaze directed at Su Jing and Gu Zi inside the courtyard.

At this point, Gu Zi was helping Su Jing stand. Su Jings face was scratched and bruised from the struggle, her hair disheveled, and her clothes barely in order, presenting a rather disheveled appearance.

On the other side was Li Li, who looked even more disheveled. Her face bore more scratches than Su Jings, her hair was a tangled mess, and she had lost a shoe. One glance at the two women was enough for anyone to deduce the recent combatants.

The thin woman pointed at Su Jing and Gu Zi, berating them, Theres no justice in this world! You two, bullying my daughter, ruining her good marriage prospects, and now ganging up on her. If theres no explanation today, my daughter and I will just live in your house. Li Lis father died early, if she doesnt marry, she doesnt marry. Well just live with you, the Su family!

After her harsh words, the woman hurried over to Li Li, inspecting her up and down while muttering, I told you not to come, but you didnt listen. Now, not only did you not get justice, but you also got beaten up. Theres no justice in this world. The Su family is really bullying people!

Upon seeing this, the crowd realized that this was Li Lis mother. They had heard that Li Lis engagement to a man from the city had been broken off that morning, and they were curious about what had happened. Could it have something to do with these two women from the Su family? More specifically, with Su Jing?

However, someone voiced their confusion, Li Lis mother, you must be mistaken. I remember Li Li and Su Jing were classmates and had a good relationship. How could Su Jing possibly ruin Li Lis marriage? She should be wishing her well.

Yeah, thats right. Although Li Lis fianc from the city is indeed a good catch, Su Jing wouldnt stoop so low as to steal him from Li Li. Li Li, you must have misunderstood Su Jing. Dont resort to violence, just explain the situation clearly.

These two seemed to be mediating, but in reality, they were fanning the flames. They had already secretly concluded that Su Jing was the one who had ruined Li Lis marriage.

Aunt Zhang couldnt stand it anymore and stepped forward to speak up, What nonsense are you all talking about? Even if Su Jing broke up with Tian Hai, she wouldnt set her sights on Li Lis man. You all should stop arguing and let them explain the situation themselves!

Aunt Zhang felt that everyone knew that Su Jing preferred young and handsome men. Even if she wanted to break up with Tian Hai, she wouldnt drastically change her taste to someone like Li Lis fianc, an older man who had been divorced twice.

Moreover, many people in their village had seen Li Lis fianc. He wasnt particularly attractive. If he werent a city teacher, he wouldnt have been able to find a wife in the village with his looks.

How could Su Jing ruin Li Lis life over a man? These people were just eager for a spectacle, disregarding the facts. This was something Aunt Zhang had always disliked about the villagers.

Aunt Zhangs outburst quieted the crowd considerably. They stopped interrupting, and the surroundings became somewhat peaceful. Su Jing tugged at the hem of Gu Zis clothes and whispered, Sister-in-law, can I tell the truth? I dont plan on hiding anything from this woman.

She had acted out of anger, infuriated by Li Lis hypocrisy.

Su Jing had initially thought that Li Li had come to visit her, but later realized that Li Li was envious of her good fortune and had come to provoke her to use her. If she didnt teach Li Li a lesson, Su Jing would feel unsatisfied.

She had never intended to hide anything, but she hadnt expected such a large commotion. Now, with so many people watching, Su Jing felt uncertain.

Gu Zi, realizing that Su Jing was losing confidence, whispered back, Its too late to back down now. Theyve come to our doorstep, whats there to be afraid of? Say what you have to say. Dont worry, this wont end up at the police station.

