Back to the Past: The Rise of the False Heiress Marrying the True Tycoon novel free - Chapter 523

Chapter 523


Chapter 523 Have You Made Your Decision?

Cntinue reading on

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Mother Tian, due to the circumstances, had been running around, seeking favors. She pleaded with her eldest nephews family to show mercy and not press charges against Tian Hais father. Tian Hai, limping on one leg, was also knocking on doors daily, hoping to rescue his father from detention.

Meanwhile, Su Jing, the audacious girl, had taken advantage of the chaos in the Tian family and returned to Daqing Village. She thought she could wash her hands of the whole affair, but Mother Tian would not let her off so easily.

Having finally found some free time today, Mother Tian had brought people specifically to take Su Jing back. Once Su Jing was back, wouldnt the Tian family be able to use the Su familys money to solve their problems?

Mother Tian continued, Su Shen, you may be a big boss, but you should also be reasonable. Su Jing leaving Tian Hai at this time is really unscrupulous.

You may not know this, but Su Jing seems to have intentionally stayed with us to seek revenge. She has caused quite a stir at home, even encouraging my husband to retaliate against his nephew, which has landed him back in the police station.

Originally, his nephew had only insulted him a few times, and he didnt mind at all. But your sister incited him, leading to a fight and trouble.

No matter what, my son and I cannot let Su Jing return to the Su family now. If you want Su Jing to break up with my son Tian Hai, then you should clean up the mess your sister has made. We will stop bothering Su Jing if you do so.

Listening to Mother Tians words, Su Shen began to understand. No wonder Su Jing hadnt immediately left Tian Hai. She had stayed with the Tian family, causing a great deal of unrest. This was consistent with Su Jings unwillingness to be taken advantage of.

Moreover, the Tian family had indeed relied on Su Jing for many years. Now that Su Jing had come to her senses and wanted to reclaim some things, it was only fair.

He looked at Su Jing seriously. Su Jing avoided his gaze, not daring to meet Su Shens eyes, and hid behind Gu Zi.

Su Shens lips were tightly pressed, his jaw tense, but he had already chosen to protect his own family. He emotionlessly said to Mother Tian, You say Su Jing incited your husband to retaliate against his nephew. Thats a personal grudge between your husband and his nephew. She may have said a few words, but she didnt directly participate in the retaliation. How can you blame her for this?

Also, as Ive said, Su Jing has broken up with your son. This is her own wish. You and your son disagree, but this relationship is over. I hope I dont have to emphasize this again. Su Jing will not return to the Tian family with you. If you have nothing else to say, please leave and dont come back!

Su Shen made it clear that he wanted them to leave. His stance was very strong. Mother Tian was wary of Su Shen and naturally didnt dare to confront him directly. For a moment, she didnt know what to say.

The two men behind her didnt dare to say much either. They couldnt possibly forcibly take Su Jing away in front of Su Shen. Su Jings family background was too strong.

They whispered to Mother Tian, I think youll just have to accept this. Lets go back and think about how to reconcile with Uncle Tians family. Maybe Uncle Tian still has a chance to get out. Staying here is a waste of time and wont do any good.

Yeah, Auntie, lets go back. Theyve said they have nothing to do with Tian Hai. That means they really want to break up with Brother Tian Hai. Brother Tian Hai is really something. If he knew this would happen, why did he mess around outside and hurt her so much?

Mother Tian couldnt accept this for a moment and couldnt hear what the younger generation was saying. Su Jing was really going to leave her son, but how could Su Jing possibly want to leave Tian Hai?

She couldnt give up and asked Su Jing, Have you thought it through? If you come back to find Tian Hai in the future, we wont let you into the Tian family. Moreover, you and Tian Hai have been husband and wife in all but name. If you dont want my son, who else would want you? Think it over.

Mother Tians words were uncomfortable to hear. She was clearly reminding Su Jing that she was nothing more than a discarded shoe played with by Tian Hai. She was no longer pure, and even if she was with another man, she would always be haunted by her past with Tian Hai. It would be better to settle for a life with Tian Hai.

Su Jing was very clear about the shamelessness of Tian Hais family. It was no surprise to her that Mother Tian would use a womans purity as a threat. She didnt care. She had given her body to Tian Hai, but so what? She didnt want this man now, and nothing could bind her!

She coldly responded to Mother Tian, saying, Ive thought it through very clearly. Its better to cut losses in time when you realize that Tian Hai is such a rotten person, rather than investing the rest of your life in him. Even if no man marries me in the future, I dont want a piece of trash like Tian Hai. Do you understand?

