Back to the Past: The Rise of the False Heiress Marrying the True Tycoon novel free - Chapter 525

Chapter 525


Chapter 525 Troublesome

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Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Gu Zi did not linger in the city. After returning to the main city from the train station, she took her children to the station, bought tickets, and took a bus to the town. Her plan was to have lunch at the shop, as there was an interview with a newspaper reporter scheduled for the afternoon. Gu Zi was to be interviewed, so she decided to head to the shop early.

Her children, Su Bing and Su Li, were excited about their mothers interview. After bidding farewell to their aunt, they were eager to watch their mothers interaction with the newspaper reporter. They could also help out at the shop, greeting customers, which was far more interesting than staying at home.

The bus made several stops along the way, finally halting at a small station in the town. Gu Zi, carrying Su Le, disembarked and confidently headed towards Sister Huas Gourmet Shop. Along the way, several familiar faces greeted Gu Zi. These were townsfolk, and Sister Huas Gourmet Shop had become quite famous in the town. It was impossible for them not to recognize Gu Zi, the person in charge of the shop.

When Gu Zi arrived at the shop, the breakfast crowd had mostly dispersed. Li Hua had just finished cleaning a table when she saw Gu Zi and her children. She said to Gu Zi, Aunt Yang and mom are already preparing our lunch. You guys sit down and rest for a bit. Has Su Jing boarded the train yet?

Su Bing took his sister Su Le from Gu Zis arms, allowing Gu Zi to rest. Gu Zi sat down at the table furthest inside, picked up the teapot on the table, and poured water for the two children and herself. Shes on the train. I gave her enough money, so theres no need to worry. With Su Jings personality, she wont be taken advantage of anywhere.

Li Hua nodded with a smile, Now that were in business, Ive really come to realize that its hard for honest people to do anything. We need someone with Su Jings character, who isnt afraid of any challenges.

Li Hua was slowly changing. She was now in business, and the old Li Hua would have struggled to cope.

Su Li, seeing his elder brother Su Bing taking care of their sister, didnt want to be idle. He helped his aunt Li Hua with the chores, collecting bowls, sweeping the floor, wiping tables, and running around energetically.

Li Hua praised him, Su Li, youre really capable. You came here today specifically to help your aunt, didnt you? Here, eat this to fill your stomach.

She handed Su Li a pancake from the kitchen, her tone full of affection.

Su Li accepted the pancake and ate it heartily, continuing to work while eating. After cleaning the last dirty table, he was about to sit down and rest when he saw a woman approaching the shop entrance, seemingly intending to make a purchase.

Imitating the tone of a shop assistant he had seen on TV, Su Li stepped forward and asked, Maam, would you like to have breakfast? You can place your order with me!

As soon as Su Li finished speaking, Li Hua came out from inside. She recognized the woman as Gui Hua, who ran a small shop across the street.

Seeing Gui Huas puzzled expression, Li Hua explained with a smile, This is my sisters second son, Su Li. Hes the younger brother of little Su Le, whom you usually see. The other one is Su Bing, the eldest brother. Theyre all siblings. By the way, what brings you here? Have you tried making the peanut curd we talked about? How did it turn out?

Seeing his aunt taking over, Su Li sat down to rest.

Gui Hua seemed surprised that such a young woman as Gu Zi had two grown sons. Her gaze towards Su Li was a bit strange. She quickly averted her eyes and said in a low voice, I see. Well, Li Hua, I actually came to buy a bowl of peanut curd. Do you still have any for sale?

After saying this, Gui Hua looked somewhat embarrassed and didnt know where to look. She lowered her head and stared at the ground in front of her. She had seen many people coming to eat this peanut curd over the past few days. Some women in the town had told her that it tasted great, smooth and glutinous. They had been eating it for several days and felt their skin had become smoother. Gui Hua was intrigued.

However, since Gui Hua had said she would make it herself, she had resisted the urge to buy it. She bought the ingredients needed to make peanut curd according to Li Huas recipe, cleaned up the stone mill that had been unused at home for a long time, and prepared to try making it herself, not wanting to give Li Hua her money.

But when she was finally ready to make it, she found the steps in the recipe very confusing.

She gritted her teeth and soaked the peanuts and glutinous rice in water, ready to grind them. But after grinding them once, Gui Hua didnt want to continue. Looking at the remaining steps, she found them too troublesome. If she had known earlier, she would have simply bought a bowl from across the street instead of going through all this trouble.

