Back to the Past: The Rise of the False Heiress Marrying the True Tycoon novel free - Chapter 528

Chapter 528


Chapter 528 The Spring Dream Was Shattered

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Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Gu Zi shook her head with a cold hiss. Now, she wasnt sure if her sister-in-law and Gui Hua could become friends, but it seemed they were on the verge of becoming rivals in love.

Gu Zi had never expected that her brothers charm was so potent. In the time it took to deliver a package, he had already stirred the emotions of a young maiden. Perhaps this was the trouble of being attractive.

However, this situation was certainly not good news for her sister-in-law, Li Hua.

Before Gu Zi could warn Li Hua, Li Hua and Lin Cheng emerged together. Seeing Gui Huas starry-eyed gaze at her husband, Li Hua became alert. She handed Lin Cheng a coat, expressing her concern, Brother Cheng, youre not dressed warmly enough. You might catch a cold. Take this coat with you.

Lin Cheng, who was now working at a pig farm, was busy all day. He and Li Hua only saw each other late in the evening. He missed her greatly, so he had eyes for no one else. Holding Li Huas hand, he said, Alright, Ill put it on. Thank you, Little Hua. You should eat more too. Dont follow your sisters example and eat less. Dont starve yourself.

Gu Zi emerged from the kitchen and sat down, pursing her lips. She hadnt expected to witness her brother and sister-in-laws public display of affection, making her feel like a third wheel.

However, she wasnt too bothered. Compared to Gui Hua, whose romantic dreams had just been shattered, she was doing quite well.

Gui Hua, having finished her meal, had planned to pay Li Hua and casually inquire about the handsome man. But now, Li Hua was holding hands with her handsome man, exchanging sweet nothings. What was going on?

Wasnt Li Hua already married? Why was she still holding hands with another man? It was outrageous!

Gui Hua stepped forward to give Li Hua the money. She glanced at Li Hua, then at the hand Li Hua was holding with Lin Cheng. Finally, she plucked up the courage to ask Li Hua, Arent you married? Why are you openly holding hands with another man? What kind of person are you?

Gui Hua looked at the couple in front of her with the eyes of someone witnessing an adulterous affair. She had considered all possibilities, but one she hadnt thought of was that the man in front of her was Li Huas husband.

Women are extremely sensitive when faced with such situations, and Li Hua was no exception. She was annoyed by Gui Huas gaze at her and her husbands hand-holding. Li Hua gripped her husbands hand tighter, a smile of happiness tugging at her lips. She introduced Lin Cheng to Gui Hua in a very domineering tone.

Gui Hua, I havent introduced you yet. This is my husband, Lin Cheng. Hes currently working at a pig farm. He came today specifically to deliver goods and to see me. Ill take your money, but I wont be able to entertain you any longer. I need to see my husband off and have a private chat with him. Please excuse us.

After saying this, Li Hua led Lin Cheng outside. Lin Cheng was momentarily stunned, allowing himself to be led away. His eyes were fixed on his wife. If it werent for the many onlookers, he would have asked Li Hua what was going on.

They had been together for many years, and he had never seen Li Hua behave like this. It was quite novel!

Hahaha, its okay, its okay. So youre a married couple! You go ahead and chat. Ill Ill be leaving too. Gui Hua responded to Li Hua, forcing a smile onto her face.

She didnt realize that Gu Zi, the two boys, and Lin Hun were watching her. Her expression was worse than if she had been crying. She was still struggling to digest the fact that this man was Li Huas husband.

Gui Hua quickly left Li Huas restaurant and returned to her own shop. As soon as she turned her back, she retreated behind a stack of cardboard boxes. The shop echoed with the sound of her heartbroken sobs, which didnt fade for a long time. She hadnt expected heartbreak to come so quickly. It was so embarrassing

Back in Li Huas restaurant, Su Li watched as Li Hua and Lin Cheng returned after Gui Huas departure. He didnt understand. Werent they supposed to be having a private conversation? Had they run out of things to say? He quietly asked Su Bing, Brother, what just happened? Did Uncle and Aunt finish their private conversation so quickly?

Before Su Bing could answer, Lin Hun, who had overheard Su Lis question, teased, What do you know, kid? Your uncle is over the moon today. Your aunt was just defending her husband! She was playing a Husband Defense War game!

But judging by your uncles reaction, I guess he hasnt figured it out yet. He just made that woman fall in love with him. Hahaha, its really funny. I didnt expect to see this today. This will keep me laughing for a year. Hahaha.

