Back to the Past: The Rise of the False Heiress Marrying the True Tycoon novel free - Chapter 562

Chapter 562


Chapter 562: Protecting His Wife

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Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Jin Long nodded, not denying the fact that Su Shen had indeed become an exemplary husband. He had never imagined that Su Shen could be so caring. Was it not just a power outage? Yet, Su Shen felt the need to rush home to check on his wife.

Jin Long, a bachelor himself, couldnt help but feel a pang of envy. However, he quickly turned the conversation around, boasting, Aunt Zhang, I must say, if I had a wife, I would be even more considerate than him!

Aunt Zhang lifted her kerosene lamp, craning her neck to get a better look at him. Well, I never really noticed before, but youre quite handsome, young man. I must say, that young lady who came from the city for Gu Zis wedding was quite charming. But I heard from Gu Zi that shes from a high-ranking officials family. If you were to have a chance with her, youd be quite fortunate.

Upon hearing Aunt Zhang mention that girl, Jin Longs ears turned red. He rubbed his ears, trying to hide his embarrassment. Aunt Zhang, are you talking about Gong Xin, the daughter of Commander Gong from the city? She and I are good friends. What kind of person do you take me for, to have designs on a friend?

Jin Longs ears reddened again, and he couldnt help but laugh. When he mentioned the young lady, he even casually mentioned her family background. Aunt Zhang, being an old hand at reading people, could easily see Jin Longs shyness and care for Gong Xin. She didnt want to burst his bubble.

Aunt Zhang shook her head, muttering to herself as she walked towards her home, Look at him, his ears are as red as a cooked shrimp. He thinks hes hiding it well, how amusing

Jin Long watched Aunt Zhangs retreating figure, scratching his head in confusion. He thought he had concealed his feelings well, hadnt he?

Inside the house, it was pitch black. Su Shen used a flashlight to navigate upstairs. He gently pushed open the master bedroom door. The room was quiet. On the bed, Gu Zi was sleeping soundly, her long hair spread out on the pillow. Her sleeping face was peaceful. Beside her was little Su Le, sleeping on his side facing his mother, his small hand clutching a lock of her hair. He seemed to be sleeping very peacefully.

Only then did Su Shen feel relieved. It seemed they had fallen asleep before the power outage. He was glad she hadnt been frightened.

Not wanting to wake her, Su Shen restrained himself from kising her. Before leaving the room, he left the flashlight by Gu Zis pillow.

He thought, if she were to wake up and find the power out, at least she would have a source of light and wouldnt be left in the dark.

Su Shen exited the room, moving steadily in the darkness. After closing the master bedroom door, he confidently descended the stairs, moving as if he could see clearly.

For him, this was a piece of cake. He had been on missions in the past where the conditions were far worse, and not only had he managed, but he had also led his troops to safety. His superiors had often praised him as a wolf in the military.

In the past, he would occasionally reminisce about those times, dangerous and thrilling, full of challenges. Each time, he faced a test of life and death, but he was never afraid. He felt alive during those times.

Now, he no longer dwelled on those memories. He hoped for peaceful days ahead, content to live his life protecting his wife.

Su Shen knew that the cause of the power outage was not as simple as it seemed.

After getting into his car, he immediately set off for the city, instructing Jin Long, who was in the passenger seat, Tomorrow morning, you should call your family. Use the name of your familys restaurant to place an order with our competitor, the Rich Pig Farm. I will deal with the power supply bureau, and you handle the order.

Jin Long was somewhat reluctant to agree. He hadnt been in contact with his family for a long time. He didnt quite understand Su Shens plan. Su Shen, are you sure about this? The owner of the Rich Pig Farm wants to ruin us, and you want me to buy from them?

For a moment, he wondered if Su Shen had been softened by love and had become a saint. Su Shen gripped the steering wheel, his gaze intense. How can we catch a big fish without bait?

Jin Long was taken aback for a moment, then quickly understood. You think the power outage tonight has something to do with the people from the Rich Pig Farm? But I feel like its the people from Chen Village who are causing trouble.

He remembered that a few days ago, Su Shen had discussed with him that the people from Chen Village had been acting suspiciously, often causing trouble in an attempt to create problems for the pig farm. However, since Su Shen was well aware of their actions and had taken precautions, their attempts had all failed.

Jin Long felt that if the power outage was due to human factors, it was very likely related to Chen Village.

