Back to the Past: The Rise of the False Heiress Marrying the True Tycoon novel free - Chapter 565

Chapter 565


Chapter 565: Its Obvious

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Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Aunt Zhang nodded, responding loudly and without hesitation to Gu Zi. Her words were meant not only for Gu Zi but also for the bystanders. Yes, Jin Long has also gone to the city for the same reason, to ensure that everyone gets electricity as soon as possible. They rushed to the city overnight, intending to visit the power supply bureau. Unfortunately, the people from Chen Village started causing trouble this morning. They first went to the pig farm and now they have brought the commotion right to our doorstep.

Aunt Zhangs words were met with a disgruntled response from a loud-mouthed woman. Isnt it obvious? Think about it, among all the villages, whose electricity consumption could possibly be higher than that of the pig farm? It must be because the pig farms consumption is too high, causing the transformer to fail and resulting in a power outage.

We have never denied that Su Shen has made significant contributions to the development of this area. However, we must separate the issues. The pig farm is profitable, and the Su family, who benefits the most, uses the villages land, resources, and labor. Shouldnt they give back to the community? The Su family is now wealthy, so whats the harm in bearing this loss?

Aunt Zhang was so infuriated that she wanted to curse at the loud-mouthed woman, but Gu Zi stopped her. These people were deliberately trying to provoke Aunt Zhang and herself. Arguing with them was not the solution. Now that these people had brought the commotion to their doorstep, there was no need for her to hide and remain silent. The assumption that the power outage was caused by the highest electricity consumer was illogical and unreasonable, and she had to speak up.

Her tone was neither light nor heavy, but it carried an inexplicable sense of authority. Perhaps it was due to her calm demeanor towards the situation, or perhaps it was because of her status as Mrs. Su. Either way, it compelled people to quiet down and listen to her. If you want to make things clear, then let me speak. I ask you all, did the pig farm just start operating this year? If so, I have nothing to say.

But the pig farm has been operating for several years. How come it was fine before, but now suddenly, due to high electricity consumption, the village has lost power? Before the cause is determined, its best not to jump to conclusions. Ill make it clear here. If it turns out that our pig farm is the cause, our Su family will take full responsibility for the loss.

But if its not, then the cost of repairs should be borne as it should be. The Su family is wealthy, but we, as a couple, like to keep things fair. We will contribute to the village when its appropriate, but we are not willing to take on responsibilities that are not ours.

Aunt Zhang applauded and echoed, Exactly, this is emotional blackmail! You say that the pig farm has used the villages resources and labor, but why dont you also mention how much employment the pig farm has provided for our village, and how much development and opportunity it has brought to this area?

We understand that the power outage has disrupted your lives and caused you trouble. You want someone to blame and pay for the repairs. But do you remember the frequent power outages in the village before Su Shen started the pig farm?

The loud-mouthed woman from Chen Village and others felt somewhat guilty. Some things were clear even if left unsaid, but they still found excuses to argue, determined to pin the blame on the Su family.

A man stepped forward and said, Mrs. Su, you are educated, insightful, and eloquent. You speak well and know how to win people over. We cant argue with you. You also have many people to speak for you. However, in our view, theres no way to determine the cause.

We are all honest people who have been farming for generations. Even if you openly say that you want to shirk responsibility, we have no way to counter it.

The principle is correct. Su Shen has indeed made great contributions, but with great power comes great responsibility. The Su family has made a lot of money, largely thanks to this land. When something happens, they want to shirk responsibility and step back. This is not what the strong do.

As soon as the man started speaking, the loud-mouthed woman chimed in again, and the others from Chen Village also joined in. Aunt Zhang did not back down, and the people from Daqing Village and Chen Village also expressed their views. The scene was chaotic, like a group quarrel, leaving Big Yellow, the dog in the yard, completely bewildered. His eyes were dazed, and he began to bark.

At this point, Village Chief Su Ming hurried over. The commotion caused by these people was too great. Even though he was busy discussing the power outage with the village secretary, he had to put that aside and come over to maintain order.

