Back to the Past: The Rise of the False Heiress Marrying the True Tycoon novel free - Chapter 572

Chapter 572


Chapter 572: A Business War

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Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

As for those who make excuses when asked to contribute, do as you please, the village chief declared sternly. But let me make this clear: anyone who fails to pay this time will have their electricity cut off by the electrician. If you cant afford to pay, you dont use electricity. We will abide by this rule without exception.

Faced with the chiefs uncompromising stance, the villagers eventually acquiesced. Those who were supposed to pay did so, and everyone returned to their homes. Remarkably, even those who initially claimed they couldnt afford to pay managed to do so by the end of the day.

Those who genuinely couldnt afford to pay quietly borrowed from their more affluent relatives and friends, ensuring their dues were paid on time. After paying on behalf of the Su family, Gu Zi climbed back onto the ox cart and returned home with Li Zhu.

Meanwhile, at the city police station, Captain Hes handsome face was marred by dark circles under his eyes, his normally vigorous demeanor tinged with an unmistakable weariness.

It was the end of the year, and he had just led his team in a surge of productivity, solving a major case. After three days and nights of intense work and receiving commendations, he was once again roped in by Su Shen to work overtime on a case involving the theft of a transformer in the village.

However, this case didnt require any investigation, as the complainant, Su Shen, had already gathered crucial evidence. All Captain He needed to do was to arrest the suspect.

Before setting off, he approached Su Shens car, massaging his temples and frowning. Brother Shen, why does this case have to be handled by me? It feels like all my work this year has been monopolized by your family.

There were other officers at the city police station capable of handling cases, and typically, whoever received the case would handle it. Only in particularly significant cases would the station assign specific personnel. The theft of the transformer was not a minor case, but it wasnt major either. It didnt warrant the assignment of a specific officer, but Su Shens involvement granted him the privilege of choosing the officer.

Captain He was aware that his father was keen to curry favor with Su Shen. Because of his fathers connection, he had no choice but to accept the case. His current complaints were merely venting, and he would still carry out his duty, aiming to do so impeccably.

Sometimes, he genuinely felt that his father would prefer a son like Su Shen.

Su Shen, who was usually stern, unconsciously tightened his lips and said, It has to be you. Among all the officers at the station, youre the only one who dares to take action. The suspect is an employee of the Rich Pig Farm, and its likely that the farms owner, Zhang Ke, will be implicated.

Upon hearing this name, Captain He understood why he was the only one capable of handling the case. Zhang Ke was known for his ability to forge relationships and connections.

He had private dealings with many city leaders and was closely connected to them. This was why, despite the Rich Pig Farms inferior management and revenue compared to the Daqing Pig Farm, it remained standing.

Captain He took a deep breath. So, the essence of this case is a commercial battle! It indeed requires my involvement. Ill be on my way, wait for my good news.

As a member of the He family, Captain He firmly believed in his fathers principle of being an honest and upright official who did not seek personal gain. The He family despised collusion between officials and businessmen and was not afraid to offend these interest groups.

If initially, Captain He had to take on this case due to his connection with Su Shen, now he willingly accepted it. Su Shen told Captain He, Go ahead, Im not making things difficult for you.

If Captain He had refused to take on this hot potato case after understanding the situation, Su Shen wouldnt have forced him. After all, he had more than one way to solve a problem.

Su Shen left the police station first, heading straight home. By the time he arrived, it was already nine in the evening. Gu Zi was waiting for him in the courtyard. She said, The children and I have been waiting for you to have dinner together. I knew you would come back. Today, I got some purslane. We had it cold at lunch, and for dinner, its stir-fried

Her voice was gentle, like a breeze brushing past his ear, coaxing a faint smile onto the stern mans face.

At that moment, he forgot about the recent troubles at work and the ongoing battle he was fighting. He was no longer preoccupied with the ruthless struggles of the business world. All he remembered was that he was the husband of the woman before him. Im sorry for making you wait again, he apologized.

Gu Zi took Su Shens hand and they walked into the house together. She glanced at Su Shen, her sweet smile appearing as she teased, What are you apologizing for? I just made some toast for the children. Were all full, we werent starving waiting for you!

