Back to the Past: The Rise of the False Heiress Marrying the True Tycoon novel free - Chapter 72

Chapter 72


Chapter 72: Understanding Him More


Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Su Shen sat up on the bed, leaning against the headboard, and began to contemplate Gu Zis lingering gaze as she had tended to his injuries. He couldnt help but smirk at the idea that she seemed to love looking at his body.

It was an unexpected revelation that this young woman harbored such desires.

At moments during her ministrations, he had been tempted to pull her into his arms and kis her.

However, the thought of her being a city girl had restrained him. He didnt want to startle her; hed rather take things slow and steady.

Finally, Gu Zi returned from the bathroom with a basin of water containing a damp towel. She sat back on the bed, wrung the towel dry, and started to wipe away the lingering bloodstains.

There was a faint trail of blood trickling down his abdomen, disappearing beneath his waistband. Eager to begin eating soon, Gu Zi closed her eyes and moved the towel lower, allowing her fingers to brush across his chest.

However, despite her efforts, she noticed no signs of arousal from him.

Su Shen, can I ask you something? Gu Zi inquired.

Su Shen breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed she had finally stopped her ministrations. He responded, Of course, were getting married. You can ask anything youd like to know.

Gu Zi initially considered a direct question but opted for a more discreet approach, given the conservative norms of this era. She wanted to avoid making him uncomfortable.

She took a circuitous route and asked, Do you have any hobbies?

Work, Su Shen replied after a brief pause. I spend most of my time working.

Gu Zi found this answer somewhat disconcerting. Shouldnt a normal man have hobbies that include interests outside of work?

She continued with another question, How many times have you been in love?

Is there a woman from your past whom you cant forget?

As she asked, Gu Zits thoughts drifted to Su Shens previous marriage. They would have had an intimate relationship, as is typical in a marital union.

Su Shen sensed that her questions were rather peculiar, but he responded patiently.

Gu Zi then inquired more directly, Whats the most intimate thing youve done with your ex-wife?

Su Shen, having noticed the unusual nature of her questions, examined Gu Zi carefully. Her long, fluttering eyelashes, with eyes like clear springwater, held his gaze. His breath quickened as he regarded her.

What was this woman trying to ask?

These inquiries delved into topics that were sensitive and private, and the fact that she had been observing him so closely all day raised his suspicions.

Gu Zi continued her questioning, and Su Shen pondered the unexpected direction of their conversation.

However, he still replied earnestly, My ex-wife and I had an agreement before we got married. Her main responsibility was to take good care of the children. I was preoccupied with work, so our interactions were quite limited.

When Gu Zi heard this, she was almost certain of one answer  this man was not interested in women!

However, it was impossible for a man not to be lecherous. Did he perhaps have some sort of hidden illness?

With these thoughts in mind, Gu Zi subtly glanced at Su Shens lower body but quickly averted her gaze. She hesitantly asked, So, after we get married, do we have to maintain this arrangement as well?

She couldnt fathom being married to such a handsome and physically fit man but abstaining from phvsical intimacv with him. It seemed like an enormous waste!

Su Shen had caught her looking at him somewhere just now. Coupled with her question, he understood.

Su Shen realized that Gu Zi was questioning his abilities as a man, especially after she had scrutinized him earlier. He felt a mixture of annoyance and amusement but didnt intend to prove anything to her at this moment.

Instead, he replied somewhat evasively, If thats what you prefer, we can have separate rooms after we get married. I wont insist on sharing a room.

Gu Zi was disappointed by his response and wished that he would stand his ground more firmly.

Yet, it appeared that Su Shen was unwilling to address the issue directly. She considered the possibility that he might be experiencing some kind of hidden ailment or issue, which made her question his ability.

Su Shen stared at her for a while and said in a stiff tone, Im a little hungry. Can you make me something to eat?

Gu Zi thought about the situation for a moment and rose from the bed. She tried to comfort herself that at least Su Shen was exceptionally good-looking.

Rest for a while, and Ill go downstairs to get some food, she told Su Shen.

As Gu Zi descended the stairs, she discovered that the three children had already finished their meal.

Su Bing was reheating some dishes in the kitchen, though he was using a simple method, merely steaming them with water.

Upon seeing Gu Zi, Su Bing brought out the freshly steamed dishes..

