Even After Death - Chapter 947

Chapter 947


Everly was extra cooperative, So much so that it made Henry suspicious, but he couldn’t put his finger on

what was wrong.

They only got out of bed for lunch in the afternoon. Henry stayed with her for the entire afternoon. He had

never felt so peaceful before.

He finally left after his assistant urged him repeatedly to do so.

Everly even went to see him off. She hugged him in front of the helicopter and pretended like she didn’t

want him to leave.

“When are you coming to see me again?”

“Why? Are you already missing me before I’m gone? Didn’t I satisfy you last night?” Henry smiled.

Everly didn’t understand how a man who looked so gentlemanly could say something like that. But it was

not her first day with him.

Henry was different from Ethan, who adhered to rules very strictly. Henry could even feel her thigh up

when he was talking business with someone if he felt like it.

“Henry, will you miss me after you leave?” Everly asked suddenly.

Henry thought she was just acting cute. He tapped her on the nose lightly and said, “Of course. Especially

at night.”

His words were never the ones she wanted to hear. Everly smiled. “Then I won’t think about you. That’s

too tiring.

Before Henry could say anything else, the assistant urged him to go again. He had to fly to another

country by night. He wouldn’t be able to make it with any more delays.

Henry wrapped his arm around Everly’s waist and kissed her on the lips deeply. “Five days. I’ll visit in five days at most. I’ll bring you gifts. You have to think about me. Think about me every day. Don’t take off that


“Alright. Safe travels, Mr. Synder.”

Everly moved away from him and stood at a safe distance.

For some reason, Henry sensed something wrong in her tone. It was like she was trying to distance

herself from him.


He was in a rush, so he didn’t have time to think about it.

The helicopter flew away. Henry stared at the direction Everly was standing at. It was a small dot

shrinking from his field of view, but he would be missing it every day.

Everly’s smile became cold when the helicopter disappeared out of her sight.

“He’s finally gone.”

Olivia, who was standing under a nearby palm tree, crossed her arms and said calmly, “You’re such a

good actress. Even I was almost fooled.

“I wasn’t acting. I really do love him.”


“And can you leave him behind? I can tell he treats you pretty well,” Olivia asked tentatively. She was

afraid that Everly might regret her decision.

“No matter how good he is to me, I’ll only be a lover to him. We still have many years ahead of us. If he

finds the woman he truly loves, I’ll surely be abandoned.

“He’s not stubborn like Ethan. He’s cold and heartless by nature. I need to get away before it’s too late to

avoid further heartbreak.”

Everly held Olivia’s hand and said, “Let’s leave tonight, Liv. I feel uneasy when I’m here. I’m afraid that he

might return. Let’s go while he’s still abroad.”

Olivia caressed Everly’s cheek and said, “Are you sure? If you leave now, you’ll have to cut all ties with

your past.

“His visit made me more determined than ever. I’ll always be a toy to him. I need to regain the dignity that

I lost.”

“Alright. I was waiting for you to say that.”

Ethan didn’t restrict Olivia’s phone. She had been contacting Jack in secret. Ethan was right. He wouldn’t

harm her. She wasn’t related to Jack. Why would he help her?

No matter what motive Jack might have, her children would’ve been long dead without him. With that

alone, she was willing to trust him.

