Scars Of A Broken Bond free novel - Chapter 242

Chapter 242



He knew the password.

If he entered it, hed see the news shed been reading.

She couldnt let that happen.

Tyrone extended his arm. With his height, how was Sabrina supposed to reach? She could only attempt to pull his arm.

She managed to pull his arm down, but the phone was secured in his other hand.

ALL her struggles were futile.

Return my phone! Sabrina demanded,

Tyrone couldnt suppress his laughter at her flushed face.

Upon closer inspection, he noticed her pajamas had come undone during their playful interaction.

His Adams apple bobbed. Nibbling her ear, he proposed, Will we have sx tonight?

They had been sharing the bed for a while. But lately, Sabrina was buried in work, falling asleep early without energy for anything else.

Now that she finally got past the initial stages, she had some downtime.

Sabrina shook her head and pushed him aside. No, Im worn out today.

Im not in the mood.

You dont have to exert yourself.


Sabrina remained silent. Tyrone understood her consent.

She knew how to enjoy herself.

After that, as she lay in the bed, Sabrina felt too exhausted to stir.

Tyrone took care of cleaning her up.

With a serene sigh, Sabrina surrendered to sleep.

In her drowsy haze, the shrill ring of a phone startled her.

