Scars Of A Broken Bond free novel - Chapter 243

Chapter 243


The phone was promptly answered. She convinced herself it was a dream.

Following that, a whispering voice echoed, and a door creaked open and then shut.

Suddenly, Sabrinas eyes shot open. The room was engulfed in darkness.

Illuminated by the moonlight, she looked to her side, only to find the bed empty.

It dawned upon her that the earlier events were not figments of her imagination. Someone had indeed called Tyrone.

After a while, the door handle gently turned. Tyrone tiptoed in, sparing a glance at the dozing Sabrina before silently heading to the closet to dress.

With that, he quietly left the room.

The door clicked shut, restoring tranquility in the room.

Shortly, the hum of a car engine filled her ears

Sabrinas eyes fluttered open as she gazed at the ceiling shrouded in darkness.

A suspicion arose in her mind, suggesting that the call had been from Galilea.

She longed to ask, yet her courage faltered.

Her fear of humiliation deterred her from confronting the situation.

Even if she pleaded with Tyrone to stay, he wouldnt oblige.

Sabrina shut her eyes, but sleep eluded her. She spent the night tossing and turning.

As dawn approached, she heard the familiar sound of the car.

After a while, the door opened. Tyrone discarded his coat and nestled next to her, as if he had never left.

Sabrina chose to feign ignorance about his late-night escapade.

At half past six in the morning, Tyrone rose as usual, heading downstairs for his morning run.

Once he departed, Sabrina slowly opened her eyes. Her clear gaze was tinged with red. Rest had been elusive.

After dressing, she descended the stairs. Tyrone was awaiting her on the couch, breakfast at hand.

Youre awake. Lets eat. Tyrone set down his newspaper. standing to inspect her. Didnt sleep well, did you?

Sabrina deflected, Ive just been really worn out lately.

