Scars Of A Broken Bond free novel - Chapter 244

Chapter 244


Tyrone held his peace.

Upon reaching work, Joshua from the secretary department added her to a group chat named Hot-spring Vacation.

The group announcement declared, Acknowledging the efforts of MQ, MF, ME, and other departments, Mr. Blakely has decided to treat you all to a two-day vacation at the Hot-spring Vacation in the suburbs.

MQ, MF, and ME were all subsidiaries of Blakely Group. MF was a cosmetic line, ME a skincare brand. Being sister brands, they had always maintained amicable relations.

This wasnt an official company group chat.

The employees displayed a hint of cheerfulness.

Mr. Blakely, thank you.

Sabrina added her own emoji, then shifted her attention to Instagram.

Suddenly, she froze.

Galilea had posted a message at three in the morning. Grateful for your company in the early morning. 

The accompanying picture was of two intertwined hands; a mans and a womans.

Having been Tyrones wife for three years, Sabrina could identify the mans hand instantly.

A gut feeling told Sabrina that she was the only one meant to see this post.

She found the situation mildly amusing. Tyrone tried to keep this from her, while Galilea aimed to reveal it.

Sabrina considered sending a screenshot to Tyrone, but then stopped.

She dismissed the idea as childish.

She had shared her suspicions about the makeup with Tyrone, yet he disregarded her. She had explained why Evelyn opposed her, still, he wouldnt believe her.

He saw Galilea as gentle and kind, someone who wouldnt stir up trouble.

And he loved Galilea.

So, he wouldnt trust Sabrina.

The message asked the employees to assemble at the gate of the company once work wrapped up the following day. The company had booked buses, their destination being the hot spring resort nestled in the suburb, and theyd be heading there a night prior.

The three departments counted over 4 members, thus requiring two spacious buses.

As dawn broke the next day, employees showed up to work, their Luggage packed with clothes, toothbrushes, and towels. The moment the clock signaled the end of the workday, they, with a shared sense of anticipation, exited side by side, visions of the resort dancing in their heads.

