Scars Of A Broken Bond free novel - Chapter 35

Chapter 35


It turned out Tyrone had given his consent.

Sabrina found the whole situation amusingly absurd.

It was due to Galilea that Tyrone had been interfering with MQ Clothings operations over and over.

He disrupted her workflow time and time again, all for her, and then expected her to mop up the aftermath.

The previous marketing plan had been meticulously prepared for execution, only to become rendered useless due to the change in spokesperson. He remained oblivious to the immense effort she had invested in preserving the current situation.

ALL he needed to do was to please Galilea.

As for the potential ensuing chaos, he conveniently dumped it on Sabrina.

He didnt care about her at all.

Mr. Blakely agreed? Bettie echoed Sabrinas disbelief. Why would he worry over such insignificant details?

Thats exactly what Mr. Blakely expressed. He deemed it insignificant and allowed me the discretion. Galilea offered a smiling clarification.

When I say insignificant, Im referring to Mr. Blakelys perspective.

The makeup style carries significant weight in a commercial shoot. What puzzles me is why he would interfere, Bettie shot back.

Julia interjected, Are you insinuating that Galilea is fabricating stories? If you doubt us, feel free to crosscheck with Mr. Blakely.

Hes granted us the authority to make this call. Well honor it. You can manage the leftover issues. If not, we can part ways. Galilea isnt solely reliant on this spokesperson role.

Galilea, standing aside, remained silent.

Bettie was infuriated by Julias audacity.

Exiting the dressing room, she clenched her fists tightly. In all my years in this industry, collaborating with countless celebrities, Ive never encountered such unabashed behavior. If she doesnt need this spokesperson role, why snatch it away from Darlene? Its so disgusting!

Bettie had established herself as a renowned makeup artist in the industry, with numerous movie stars on her client List.

The previous year, a rising actress credited to a TV series faced harsh criticism for her bland looks and poor makeup; Betties input transformed her into a ravishing sensation.

Aylin, having observed the situation, attempted to soothe Bettie. Calm down. We need to strategize if she refuses to conform to our initial plans. We might need to revise the shooting strategy.

Bettie turned to Sabrina. Sabrina, whats your plan?

Wait for me in the lounge. Ill make a call and well discuss the next steps when I return.

Alright, proceed.

Sabrina moved to a quieter corner of the studio and dialed Tyrone.

