Scars Of A Broken Bond free novel - Chapter 561

Chapter 561


Tyrones countenance grew darker.

His gaze deepened, and he inquired in a solemn tone, Are you certain theres no misdiagnosis?

Misdiagnosis? The doctor was taken aback.

Tyrone clarified, I currently do not have a child.

The doctors face drained of color.

Tyrone didnt have a child?

So Sabrina tricked him into marriage?

They all deceived one another. They shared a common trait.

Faced with Tyrones piercing gaze, the doctor hastily justified, The record is undoubtedly accurate. I cant be mistaken. Theres also another physicians endorsement on this record. If youre doubtful, you can call her over.

Even after the doctors explanation, Tyrones face remained stormy. The doctor quickly suggested, Mr. Blakely, youve been married for three years now. Judging from her recovery, she gave birth at least three or four years ago

The underlying message being that it would be natural for Tyrone to be oblivious of occurrences prior to their marriage if Sabrina had deliberately hidden them.

Please, exit now, Tyrone requested calmly, his internal turmoil known only to him.

Very well, the doctor replied with a sigh of relief, leaving hastily.

Expressionless, Tyrone requested Kylan, Summon the other doctor here.

Understood, sir, Kylan responded before taking his Leave.

As Kylan reached for the door, he heard Tyrone utter, Remember to keep their mouths shut.


Minutes later, Kylan returned with a different doctor.

This doctor also assured the same, explaining the variations between a womans womb post-childbirth and otherwise.

Dismissing the doctor with a wave of his hand, Tyrones expression was inscrutable. In a stern voice, he instructed, Leave.

As the second doctor departed, Kylan tiptoed out, Leaving Tyrone to his thoughts.

The deeper the love, the greater the sorrow upon deceit.

Kylan saw this as a grave issue.

