Scars Of A Broken Bond free novel - Chapter 568

Chapter 568


She glanced at her phone, a mischievous glint in her eyes. I have his number.

What? Do you like him? Aylin teased.

Bettie gave her an eye-roll. I think he might have a thing for Sabrina.

Caught off guard, Sabrina inquired, What has that to do with me?

He initially intended to friend you! Did you not notice?

He just wished to reimburse the Laundry cost. Sabrina was calm as ever.

Dont you see the reason why he insisted on compensating you and having your number? I believe its not just because he wanted to make up for things.

Aylin exclaimed, I knew it! How could he accidentally bump into Sabrina? The aisle was wide enough. I suspect he did it on purpose. He was just trying to get Sabrinas number.

Sabrina thought they were reading too much into it. Just as she was about to voice her opinion, Bettie jumped in, Sabrina, are you familiar with a saying? The fastest way to heal a broken heart is to start a new love story. Youre single, and someone seems interested.

Isnt it perfect? Or are you still hung up on Tyrone?

No, Sabrina retorted quickly.

Dont fight it, Sabrina. Just let things flow naturally. If we happen to travel together, and you two develop mutual feelings, wouldnt it be quite the romance? Aylin suggested.

Sabrina was lost for words.

His name is Trevor Faulkner, Bettie revealed, looking at her phone.

As Bettie had predicted, Trevor and his friends would leave for Violetness to witness the aurora the following day, while Sabrina and her friends planned to remain in Oslo for a bit longer.

What a shame! Maybe well meet in Violetness, Trevor messaged.

Enjoy yourselves, Bettie replied.

Could I ask you for the name of the lady I bumped into? Id like to apologize personally. Can I have her number?

Bettie, a teasing smile tugging at her lips, handed Sabrina the phone.

Sabrina shrugged it off, her tone dismissive. Youre reading too much into it. Didnt I already say it? He just wants to reimburse me for my laundry bill.

Bettie raised her eyebrows and replied to Trevor, Why do you want her account?

His response came after a pause. I stained her clothes. Its only right that I cover her cleaning expenses.

Upon reading that, Sabrina said in an exasperated tone, See? Just Like I told you

