Scars Of A Broken Bond free novel - Chapter 738

Chapter 738


Jennies face lost its color as she gently set the tigers down without a word.

Indeed, Tyrone was right beside her. He said, Aunt Kira, your fears are misplaced. Sabrina, despite our divorce, remains a member of our family. How could you deem her a stranger?

Is her last name Blakely or Chavez? Have you forgotten the current head of the group? Are you certain Sabrina harbors no ulterior motives?

Kiras temper flared, her voice cold and biting. Why maintain contact with Sabrina after the split? Youre not planning to remarry, are you? Whats gotten with all of you? Why were you all enchanted by Sabrina? Your grandfather is like this, and so are you and Jennie! Jennie, avoid going out with her! If you dont want to, you can forget about calling me Grandma!


The phone clattered onto the couch. Jennie, her face washed pale with fear, clutched her dolls, tears streaming down.

She had always been a clever and sensible girl. Tyrone had never seen her cry before, but now she had tears in her eyes, her lips trembling, caught between holding back and letting go. It pained him to see her in such a state.

He quickly drew her onto his lap, gently murmuring, Dont cry, Jennie.

Scooping up the phone, his face clouded with displeasure, he addressed Kira, Aunt Kira, lets set the record straight-remarrying isnt what I want. I appreciate all you did for me, but Im an adult now, and Id appreciate it if youd respect my boundaries. As for Jennie, if shes fond of Sabrina, let it be. Why dictate a childs affections?

Unyielding, Kira shot back, I might have little say in your life, but surely Ive got a say in Jennies. I didnt raise her to go against me.

Jennie, enough of the tears! If you wont listen, perhaps youre better off with Sabrina!

Waah Jennies sobbing grew louder, echoing in Tyrones embrace.

Tyrone declared, If thats how you feel, Jennie wont ever return.

ILL sort out her residency and schooling right here.

He then ended the video call.

Given his status and connection, raising Jennie and enrolling her in kindergarten were tasks well within his capabilities.

Tyrone set his phone down with a sigh, gently rubbing Jennies shoulder. Hey, Jennie, its alright. No more tears.

Seeing her distressed, Tyrone tenderly stroked her back, fetched a tissue for her from the table, and handed it over, patiently waiting for her emotions to settle.

Even as she dabbed at her eyes, Jennies tears flowed.

Listen, Jennie, youre free to be friends with anyone, alright? You shouldnt feel bound by your grandmas words.

Drawing close, tears sparkling in her eyes and wetting her lashes, she mustered, Uncle Tyrone, why does Grandma seem to dislike Aunt Sabrina?

