Scars Of A Broken Bond free novel - Chapter 747

Chapter 747


Jennie internally scoffed. This man intended to stick around, didnt he?

Unable to contain a yawn, she wrapped her arms around Sabrinas leg, murmuring, Aunt Sabrina, Im sleepy. I want to take a nap.

Gently patting Jennies head, Sabrina inquired, Ready to head home?

Yes, Jennie affirmed with a nod.

Looking up at Trevor, Sabrina offered a regretful smile, suggesting,

Guess well head home now. Lets plan for dinner some other time.

Trevor, left with Little choice, responded, Alright. Is your car over by the restaurant? I can walk you there.

Though Sabrina initially wanted to decline, she hesitated and simply gave a soft nod.

The three leisurely made their way to the restaurants parking area.

Suddenly, Jennie slipped from Sabrinas grasp, dashing towards the car.

Out of nowhere, a sleek black car sped in.

Grasping Jennies hand tightly, Sabrina instinctively stepped back, only to lose her footing.

Reacting quickly, Trevor reached out, catching her just in time. The scent of her perfume momentarily captivated him. You alright? he asked.

Im fine, Sabrina assured him, regaining her stance and gracefully pulling away. Her lips curled into a subtle smile, and the glint behind her glasses made her Look alluring. Thank you.

Sabrina had to call his name before he snapped out of his thoughts.

Trevor blushed and responded shyly, Oh It was nothing.

Of course.

It wasnt until Sabrina approached her car that Trevor realized something, quickly catching up to her to say, Wait, your coffee!

Pausing, Sabrina accepted the bag, chuckling, Almost slipped my mind.

Once inside her car, Sabrina clicked her seat belt into place and started the car.

She gave Trevor a parting wave through the window, then pressed on the gas.

