Scars Of A Broken Bond free novel - Chapter 78

Chapter 78


These high-ranking CEOs often maintained affairs even after marriage.

He had presumed Tyrone to be different, but apparently, he was no exception.

Yet, as his employee, it wasnt his place to comment.

You were sleeping so peacefully, I didnt want to disturb, Tyrone said. 

I have to get back to work.

Dont forget to meet me at the garage after work.


After work, Sabrina joined Tyrone on a visit to his grandparents.

Cesar was relaxing in the living room. Seeing them enter, he motioned for them to join him. Sabrina, I heard about your ankle injury. Is the recovery going well? Are you feeling better?

Cheerfully, Sabrina responded, Grandpa, Im doing well. Look

She playfully kicked her foot.

Thats relieving, Cesar said with a smile.

 Sabrina asked.

Wheres Grandma Cesar pointed to the kitchen. Shes preparing soup for you. Come,

Sabrina, play a round of chess with me.

Sabrina assisted Cesar onto a chair next to the chessboard, leaving Tyrone on the sidelines.

Their chess game was intense, and time flew by.

When Sabrina glanced at the clock, it was already eight.

Her stomach rumbled. Grandpa, its already past dinner time.

Ask Wanda. She insisted on cooking dinner and making soup for you tonight. Im not sure whats keeping her.

As they spoke, Wanda emerged from the kitchen with a pot of soup, announcing, Its time for dinner.

Other dishes were brought out by the housekeeper.

Wanda, filled with enthusiasm, started ladling out soup. Sabrina, Tyrone, this is for you. I made it myself. Please, try some.

Grandma, sit and eat with us.

