Scars Of A Broken Bond free novel - Chapter 80

Chapter 80


Reaching for his pajamas, Tyrone decided to freshen up in the bathroom outside.

He turned the doorknob, only to find it jammed.

After a few futile attempts, he realized the door was locked from the outside.

Without a doubt, this was his grandparents doing.

Left with no other option, he remained in the room, the sound of running water from the bathroom igniting his desires. Although outwardly calm, a storm of desire raged within.

It had been a month since he had sx, courtesy of his recent business trip.

Finally, the water stopped running.

Then came the hum of the hairdryer.

Soon, that too ceased.

Stepping out of the bathroom in her pajamas, Sabrina was taken aback by Tyrones presence by the bed. What are you doing here? Why didnt you freshen up?

Tyrone, his gaze fixed on Sabrina, pointed at the door, his voice husky. The doors been locked from the outside. 

Sabrina motioned to the bathroom and stated, Im done. You can freshen up now.

Tyrone grabbed his sleepwear and made his way into the bathroom.

The scent of the body wash lingered in the air.

It was identical to Sabrinas personal fragrance.

The scent engulfed his senses and left his mind in a state of turmoil.

Tyrones body temperature began to rise. He shut his eyes, unable to resist recollections of their previous intimate moments.

Meanwhile, Sabrina sat on the bed, absorbed by her phone. As she got ready to go to sleep, she noticed the prolonged silence in the bathroom. There was no sound of running water.

Raising an eyebrow, Sabrina peeled back the covers and got out of bed.

Approaching the bathroom door, she could faintly discern heavy breaths from within.

A moment later, the realization hit Sabrina. Flushed, she quickly retreated to the bed.

After a while, water began to run, continuing until Tyrone emerged from the bathroom.

She sensed his return to the bed.

Shortly after, she slipped into sleep.

