The Double Life of My Billionaire Husband by Natalie & Sebastian - Chapter 393

Chapter 393


“The Larson Group fired many employees who worked with Miss Turner. I thought no one would remember me,” Allie confessed, her voice filled with emotion.

“The Larson Group fired many employees who worked with Miss Turner. I thought no one would remember me,” Allie confessed, her voice filled with emotion.

Vivian extended her hand, gently patting Allie’s in a comforting manner. “How could we be as heartless as the Larson Group? We value loyalty and compassion,” she assured.

Recalling her own dreadful experience with the company and the tragic death of Charis, Allie couldn’t contain her emotions any longer. Clutching the card close to her heart, tears streamed down her face. “If it weren’t for Natalie, Miss Turner wouldn’t have suffered such a miserable fate! It’s unjust that Natalie is still alive, living her best life!” Allie wiped her tears with the back of her hand, locking eyes with Vivian earnestly. “You must seek justice for her!”

Understanding the pain Allie had endured, Vivian handed her a tissue. While Allie composed herself, Vivian asked meaningfully, “Allie, considering your close relationship with Miss Turner, would you like to join me in avenging her?”

Allie hesitated, contemplating the daunting task of fighting against the powerful Larson Group and its CEO as a poor and powerless woman. Sensing her concerns, Vivian spoke softly, “Don’t worry. The Turner family will support you. Once everything is done, they will provide you with more financial assistance and help you secure a better job.”

Although highly tempted, Allie remained uncertain. Was it worth challenging the Larson Group for Charis? Observing Allie’s internal struggle, Vivian leaned in and whispered, “I have a plan.”

Natalie was determined not to give up on finding clues about Charis, despite not getting any useful information from her parents. She made a list of all the people related to Charis and planned to track them down one by one.

By the end of December, Natalie returned to work at W Marks Studio in Barnes. She had been working remotely for the past few months but decided to come back because Brandon would be working at their branch in Barnes this month. Natalie wanted to be with him and also resume her work at the studio.

Shortly after returning to work, Draco unexpectedly walked into the office. It had been a few months since they last saw each other. Natalie found it strange that he was there since she was told he was on a business trip abroad and wouldn’t be back for a few days.

“Good morning, Mr. Wesley. Coffee? I was going to buy one for myself downstairs,” Natalie said nervously, unsure if Draco was okay with her working remotely.

“No, thank you. Have a seat first, Natalie,” Draco replied calmly.

Natalie sat back in her chair, feeling tense and uncertain about what Draco wanted to talk about. She wondered if he was going to fire her due to her distractions over the past few months. Her attention had been divided between Brandon and Charis, making it difficult for her to work as diligently as before.

Before Draco could say anything, Natalie anxiously blurted out, “I’m sorry, Mr. Wesley. I’ve been distracted by some personal affairs over the past few months. But don’t worry, I’ll make up for it. Please give me another chance.”

Draco’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion, realizing that Natalie had misunderstood him. He smiled and chuckled, reassuring her, “What are you talking about? Don’t be nervous. I wasn’t going to fire you, Natalie.”

He had returned to the studio to see her for himself. It had been a long time since their last meeting, and he was genuinely concerned about her. The news of Charis’s sudden death had caused quite a stir in both Barnes and Seacisco, and Draco had a hunch that Natalie might be involved somehow.

“Oh, well then, what did you want to talk about, sir?” Natalie asked, smiling crookedly, curious about the purpose of his visit.

Draco tilted his head, pondering for a moment before speaking, “I just wanted to ask how you’ve been recently. I’ve noticed that your work has been maturing, and there’s a subtle change in your mindset. If you ever need help or someone to talk to, feel free to reach out to me, Natalie.”

Natalie’s heart melted at Draco’s kind words. He had always been an exceptional boss and mentor, which made her hesitant to bother him with her personal matters. “Thank you, sir. Your guidance is already a great help,” she replied gratefully, touching her nose timidly. “By the way, Mr. Wesley, I can work in the studio now. If you need anything, you can call me here.”

Draco looked at her and nodded silently, acknowledging her statement.

Elizabeth, overhearing the conversation, was thrilled that Natalie was back. She stood up from her chair and exclaimed, “That’s great, Natalie! I’m so glad you’re back! How about we have dinner after work? Let’s celebrate your return!”

It was unusual for Elizabeth to take the initiative in social situations, indicating her genuine happiness about Natalie’s return. Natalie couldn’t refuse such a warm invitation and smiled brightly, accepting, “Sure!”

Then, she turned to Draco and asked, “Mr. Wesley, would you like to join us?”

Knowing that Draco preferred to avoid large gatherings, Natalie asked out of politeness, assuming he would decline. However, to her surprise, Draco stood up and calmly replied, “Okay. I’d love that.”

When they arrived at the restaurant, Natalie quickly texted Brandon, realizing she hadn’t informed him about the impromptu dinner. Her message mentioned that she was having dinner with her colleagues.

Curiously observing Natalie’s goofy smile while pouring a glass of water, Elizabeth playfully asked, “Who are you texting? What’s with that bright smile on your face?”

Natalie sighed wistfully, her eyes shining, as she took a sip from her glass. “Oh, it’s just my husband. He said he would pick me up later, but I told him I can just walk home. Our boss is dining with us tonight, and who knows when the dinner will end.”

Elizabeth nodded quietly, a tinge of envy in her voice. She rarely showed emotion but couldn’t help feeling envious of Natalie’s loving husband. “You two have been through a lot, right? Yet you’re still so sweet with each other.”

Natalie wasn’t sure if Elizabeth was upset or not, so she simply nodded. While she didn’t know what was going on in Brandon’s mind, she knew their relationship was strong. “We’ve had our challenges, but we’re doing well now. Sometimes I wish Brandon were an ordinary person, but I love him no matter what.”

Natalie chose not to delve into the details of their struggles. She understood that, on the surface, she appeared happier than most people. Complaining wouldn’t make others understand her situation; they might even think she was showing off.

Elizabeth smiled faintly but fell into silence, burdened by unspoken thoughts. Draco, a quiet listener, remained silent as well.

Noticing Draco’s gaze, Natalie looked at him curiously and asked, “Is something on your mind, Mr. Wesley?”

As Draco gazed into Natalie’s beautiful, clear eyes, he felt his heart race. He had developed a crush on her, but she was married, and he knew he didn’t stand a chance. He had to hide his feelings. “Oh, nothing. I was just listening to your conversation earlier. It sounded like Elizabeth wants to get married, right, Elizabeth?” Draco smiled, shifting the focus to Elizabeth.

Unaware of Draco’s feelings, Natalie turned to Elizabeth with a grin. “Right! Are you going to marry your boyfriend?”

Ever since they encountered Elizabeth and her unruly boyfriend at the clinic, Natalie had been curious. In her eyes, Jorge wasn’t a good match for Elizabeth.

Elizabeth’s expression darkened as she spoke, “I wanted to get married, which is why I got into a relationship with Jorge…” She sighed, revealing her sadness.

