The Double Life of My Billionaire Husband novel free - Chapter 933

Chapter 933


Brandon quirked an eyebrow,his lips curling into a sly, knowing smile. With a flourish, he tapped his impeccably chiseled cheek and boasted, This face is my passport.

Huh? Natalie barely had time to process his cheeky statement, for Brandon was already guiding her towards the stores gilded entrance. She hesitated, her mind whirling. With each step, she sent a silent plea to the universe, hoping to avoid the mortification of being turned away.

As they reached the door, the vigilant bodyguards promptly intercepted them.Excuse me, sir, maam, one of them said. An invitation is mandatory for entry. Do you possess one?

Just as Natalie was gearing up to clarify their intent, Brandon fluidly intervened. Removing his sunglasses with an air of casual elegance,he declared,Seems Ive left our invitation behind Is that going to be a problem?

Recognition flared in the bodyguards eyes. There was a pause, a heartbeat of a moment, then,with a reverential bow and a hint of awe, he said,AhMr. Larson, of course. Invitations are just formalities for someone of your stature. Please do come in.

Could it be? Had his audacious strategy truly paid off?

Natalie, her eyes wide with a mixture of astonishment and relief, allowed herself to be ushered in by a rather pleased Brandon.

The moment Natalie stepped into the boutique, she felt an electrifying charge in the air. Around her, the clientele paused, their eyes subtly but unmistakably fixated on her.Hushed whispers rose and fell in the background, like the distant hum of bees in a garden.

Feeling vulnerable, she instinctively tightened her grip on Brandons sleeve, leaning into him for reassurance.Do I have something on my face? she murmured, her eyes darting about anxiously.Theyre all staring.

Brandons keen gaze swept across the room, landing on a small clutch of patrons who were discussingthem.Their not-so-subtly expressions held a mix of curiosity and disdain. A shadow passed over Brandons face. Shooting them a sharp, ice-cold glare,his message was clear: mind your business.Those who met his gaze immediately faltered, their chatter dying down as they shifted uncomfortably Sensing their retreat, Brandon softly caressed Natalies hair, his touch soothing her jitters.Dont worry, he murmured, his voice as smooth as velvet.Theyre not really fixated on us.

Natalies tension melted away, replaced by a tentative smile. Alright, lets explore.

The boutique was a lavish affair,sprawling over two expansive floors. The entrance beckoned visitors with a plush red carpet that led them past mannequins adorned in stunning couture, each piece labeled with its name and design concept.

Drawn to the second floor by a graceful spiral staircase, Natalie discovered even more breathtaking ensembles,each one vying for her attention.

Within moments, she was utterly captivated. Meanwhile, in a luxuriously appointed office a short distance away,a door opened discreetly A bodyguard, every inch a professional, addressed the elegantly dressed woman sitting poised behind a grand desk,her makeup a work of art.Miss Hamiltonhe intoned,Mr. Larson graces us with his presence. Shall I usher them into your quarters?

Mandy, engrossed in admiring her freshly manicured nails, looked up with sparkling anticipation. The corners of her lips curled into a satisfied smirk.Ah, Brandon and Natalie have arrived? How delightful! Especially since Natalie ventured out to my soiree right after returning to Barnes. Given her commendable effort, I suppose I ought to greet them myself.

Rising gracefully from her chair, Mandys heels clicked softly against the polished floor, each step a testament to her joy.

However, as she was on the verge of exiting, her bodyguard hesitated, then cleared his throat.Miss Hamilton, he began, choosing his words carefully,the woman accompanying Mr. Larson isnt Mrs. Larson. But intriguingly, she bears a striking resemblance to her. Just different.

Mandys steps faltered, and her fiery gaze zeroed in on the bodyguard.Are you implying that Brandon came without Natalie? Her voice held a dangerous edge, dripping with disbelief.

The bodyguard,recalling the unique features of Brandons mysterious companion,affirmed with confidence, I assure you, the lady on Mr. Larsons arm was distinctly not Mrs. Larson. Mandys fiery spirit flared. That audacious Brandon! sheseethedmll For all his proclamations of undying love for Natalie, he dares to gallivant around town with another woman on his arm?And he thinks he can flaunt this betrayal right under my nose?

So engrossed in her fury, she failed to notice her fresh manicure digging into her palm.Does he genuinely believe that Im just another bystander wholl silently bear witness to this affront?

The bodyguard, familiar with Mandys zealous nature and her tendency to act on impulse, implored her to reconsider.Miss Hamilton,he stammered, Mr. Larson holds immense sway in Barnes. Perhaps we should be more discreet for now?

But Mandy her temper flaring, vehemently retorted,Out of my way! No force on this Earth can deter me today.

Pushing past the bodyguard, her resolve hardened. Imagine Natalies heartbreak upon discovering such a betrayal! Someone in our world needs to stand up for her honor. And if not me, then who?

With that fiery declaration, Mandys silhouette whisked around the office corner,determinedly heading straight towards Brandon.

Mandys fiery entrance through the throng was unmistakable;her irritation were palpable. She was so engrossed in her mission that she seemed almost oblivious to the greetings of her guests. She had a singular focus: to find Brandon.

Brandon, with his strikingly handsome profile and distinctive height, wasnt hard to spot. Especially when his arm was drped around a stunning woman who bore a haunting resemblance to Natalie.

Their chemistry was evident-the subtle strokes of hair, the profound gaze they shared it was all too familiar. Once upon a time, only Natalie was at the receiving end of such gestures. However,just as Mandy was steeling herself to confront them, her ever-watchful bodyguard interjected with a hint of exasperation,Miss Hamilton, if memory serves, you and Mrs.

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Larson never really saw eye to eye. So why this sudden urge to lock horns with Mr. Larson on her behalf?

Mandy shot him a withering glance, retorting,Oh, please! This isnt about Natalie. Its about Brandon and that that interloper sullying my celebration!

Brushing off the bodyguards grasp, she adjusted her dress with a flourish and made a beeline for Brandon and the mysterious woman. Unbeknownst to Mandy, the so-calledinterloper was engrossed in admiring the intricate designs of the dresses. But as Mandys fiery shadow fell over her,she looked up,only to be met with a haughty and arrogant expression. Without missing a beat, Mandy sneered, You seem rather taken with these designs. Are you contemplating a purchase, or perhaps you wish to comprehend the genius behind them?

Meeting Mandys arrogance with a congenial smile Natalie innocently inquired,Are you the one in charge here?

Mandys already thin patience frayed further. Not only was this woman audacious enough to encroach on what wasnt hers,she also had the gall to smile unapologetically.Enough with the pleasantries. What is it? A purchase or an insight into the design process?

In Mandys view,a woman in such a role could only be there for one reason: an indulgent shopping spree, courtesy of her male companion. And design intricacies? Theyd be far beyond her comprehension.

Her disdain wasnt reserved just for the lady, though; she threw a disparaging look in Brandons direction too.

Mandy was convinced that Brandon was an absolute dolt. To think that he would forgo the companionship of someone as radiant and accomplished as Natalie for a woman who,while undeniably beautiful,seemed vacant upstairs.In days gone by,Mandy believed that Brandon and Natalie were a match made in heaven.

Lost in the labyrinthine allure of the dresses, Natalie remained blissfully unaware of the growing storm of Mandys indignation. When she finally learned that Mandy was the force behind these designs, her excitement bubbled over. With childlike enthusiasm,she asked,Oh!

Youre the mastermind behind this ensemble? Would you indulge me and share the inspiration behind this dresss hemline?

As Natalie circled the dress, her eyes shimmered with admiration.The finesse of this hemline is truly unparalleled.

However, instead iof basking in Natalies appreciation, Mandys expression only grew stormier.

How audacious of this brazen woman to feign an understanding of her artistry!

With an exaggerated eye roll, Mandy retorted, her tone dripping with disdain, Look here. Time is a precious commodity. If youre genuinely considering purchasing this dress, Id be more than happy to elucidate. But if every window-shopper demanded an artistic tour, Id never get anything done!

Finally sensing the chill in Mandys demeanor, Natalies joy was replaced by bewilderment.

She tried to sift through her memories, but Mandys face remained unrecognizable.Turning to Brandon with a puzzled frown, she asked,Brandon, have I, by any chance,ruffled this fellow designers feathers in the past?

