When His Eyes Opened (Avery and Elliott) - Chapter 1795

Chapter 1795


Chapter 1795


–Her daughter was sold!

This made Avery more worried than hearing that her daughter was dead.

Haze was sold as soon as she was born, who was she sold to? No matter who it is sold to, She was afraid that the child would have to suffer a lot. She couldn’t accept the result.

Nick was very puzzled when he saw her tears falling like a broken thread.

Nick: “Why are you crying? Isn’t it good that this child is gone? You and Elliot divorced because of this child!”

Avery looks like Haze is someone very important to her.

She remembered that Elliot didn’t cry in front of outsiders because of Haze.

“What? I divorced Elliot, not because of this child. This child is innocent.” Avery said, choked up and asked, “Didn’t you find out where this child was sold? Is it still there? Yonroeville, or was it sold to another country?”

“I think this child may have been sold to another country. Because we sent people to search across Yonroeville and couldn’t find her. Either she died or went to another country.” When Nick said this, he felt that Avery’s mood was too wrong, “Why are you so sad? You came to me, does Elliot know?”

Avery said, “He doesn’t know. I haven’t contacted him for a long time. Don’t tell him that I came to you.”

“Oh…” Nick narrowed his eyes, “Avery, I think you are hiding something to me. Haze is not your Child, even if this child entrusts you with a dream, you can completely ignore it. How can you take the dream seriously?”

“Because Haze and my daughter Layla look very similar. You have seen Layla and Haze, you should know How similar they are.” Avery replied.

Nick suddenly realized: “It’s because of this reason. The two children are indeed a bit similar. But I can’t remember what Haze looks like. It’s been so long, even if Haze is still alive, I’m afraid …”

When Nick said this, he couldn’t bear it in his heart, and he didn’t continue to say the next words.


Avery’s eyes were wet, and she held back her tears: “I’m afraid what?”


“Avery, I heard that your parents divorced when you were very young, and your stepmother passed the door soon. You had a hard time when you were young, right?” Nick’s mouth curled into a smile, “You are still by your biological father’s side, no matter where Haze is sold, it will definitely not be as good as your childhood life.”

Avery’s heart sank one by one.

Avery: “Where do the criminal gangs usually sell their children?”

“What are you asking about?” Nick was puzzled, “Avery, don’t you want to find this child?”

“Didn’t Elliot continue to look for this child?” Avery didn’t answer and asked, “This is his own daughter, has he stopped looking for this child?!”

Avery’s eyes were sharp and her tone was stern, as if she was going to slap the desk in the next second.

Nick had no appetite to continue eating, so he put down the tableware.

“After Elliot returned to Aryadelle, I didn’t ask him this question. After all, I think most of this child will never be found. Wouldn’t asking him pierce his heart? If he finds the child, I can’t be without any news! “

Nick’s voice was settled, Avery got up from the chair with a ‘teng’.

“You haven’t told me where that criminal gang usually sells children!” Avery’s voice was cold and she seemed determined.

Nick picked up the water glass and took a sip: “It’s usually sold to neighboring big countries. In countries with a good economy, children can also sell at higher prices. Aryadelle is also a big country closer to us.”

“Thank you.” Avery took a breath and was ready to leave.

“You came here specifically to ask me this question?” Nick also stood up from his chair, “Don’t you think Haze is your daughter?”

Avery stopped, but did not look back: “I want to To determine if she is my daughter, a paternity test is required. But I have never met her, so how can I be sure that she is my daughter?”

Avery: “Oh, I understand, you want to find this child and do a paternity test.”

