When His Eyes Opened (Avery and Elliott) - Chapter 2415

Chapter 2415


“Aqi!” Seeing this, Elliot called Aqi immediately.

When Aqi heard the boss’s call, he immediately raised his head: “Boss! What’s wrong!”

Elliot: “Come out.”

Elliot finished his words and got up from his chair immediately.

Aqi immediately got up and followed Elliot out.

As soon as the two of them went out, Laurel immediately questioned her daughter: “Of course, Aqi doesn’t want to let us live in the house, right? If he has a problem, he can tell us without lowering his head to the ground… It’s really embarrassing. I You can’t afford to lose this person with your father.”

Katalina wanted to cry without tears, but it was hard to say that what Elliot just said was a lie to them.

“Aqi is not that kind of person. Mom, why don’t you live in his villa! His villa is well decorated, and he hires a part-time worker to clean it every week. It’s very clean…” Katalina said enthusiastically, ” His villa is not too far away, it is on the edge of the third ring road. It takes less than an hour to drive from the hotel you are staying in!”

“No!” Laurel was angry, “I will stay at the hotel with your father, the hotel It’s good. It won’t be popular with us.”

“Hey, Mom, we didn’t want to be angry with you. I told you at the beginning to let you live in his villa, but you wouldn’t… I don’t know. Why are you so angry with Aqi.”

“He lied to my daughter, can I not be angry?” Laurel said angrily.

Seeing that Katalina couldn’t control the situation, Avery immediately spoke up: “Auntie, calm down. If Aqi is inconsiderate towards Ranran in the future, we will definitely help Ranran. We will definitely not let Ranran be wronged. You and uncle can rest assured.”

After listening to Avery’s words, Laurel changed her face in an instant, and looked at Avery with a smile: “Avery, we are relieved with your words. In fact, we didn’t mean to show Aqi’s face, mainly It’s our hearts that are uncomfortable. A good daughter, married so far. An An, you have a daughter too, you should be able to understand our feelings.”

“I understand. If I were you, I would also pick on Aqi’s fault. However, young, now I don’t know how to be sympathetic to my parents. When she becomes a mother in the future, she will definitely understand how you and your uncle are feeling now.” Avery picked up the teapot and refilled the cup for Laurel.

Avery’s words touched the heart of Laurel.

Laurel nodded again and again.

At this time, Elliot and Aqi finished their conversation and walked into the private room.

A big smile spread across Aqi’s face. Because he laughed too hard, a bunch of folds were squeezed out of his face.

Katalina was confused by his penetrating smile.

Katalina coughed dryly and cleared her throat, trying to make Aqi normal, otherwise it would scare her parents.

“Dad, Mom, I’ll have dinner later, and Ranran and I will take you to my suite in the city center. It’s convenient to go anywhere there. There are shopping malls and commercial streets across the street. If you want quiet, you can go to the back of the community There is a big lake, and the scenery is very good. Go shopping during the day and take a walk by the lake in the evening, you can not only watch the scenery, but also exercise!” Aqi’s mouth was as sweet as honey.

The two elders of the Li family were a little overwhelmed.

Katalina was also embarrassed.

After the dinner, Aqi and Katalina sent the old couple to the hotel to check out and pick up their luggage.

Elliot and Avery went home.

After getting in the car, Avery held Elliot’s big palm and asked with a smile, “The Daping floor in the city center is yours, right? When you said Daping floor, you didn’t see how flustered Aqi and Ke Ran were. “

That house is a wedding gift for them. What do you think?” Elliot asked.

“I think it’s pretty good! Ke Ran has helped us a lot despite the danger. Besides, Aqi has worked by your side for so long, and it’s perfectly fine to give him a wedding room.” Avery expressed his feelings, “Actually It’s not that Ke Ran’s parents don’t like Aqi, but they are reluctant to let their daughter marry away.”

“I know.” Elliot changed his words, “So I will never let Rila leave me in the future. She can only settle in City A.”

Avery couldn’t help laughing: “Do you think your daughter will listen to you? Don’t say she won’t listen to you now, and she won’t be under your control when she grows up.”

